Friday, November 19, 2004

IRAN and the Nuke issues (NK too)

It is all too easy for the left in this country to say, "go make a deal" with the Iranians to thwart the development and enrichment of uranium for the purpose of NUKES. The left sites the Agreed Framework deal concocted by the Clinton Adm. to offer fuel for better behavior---the problem is that better behavior never came.
Sure they cliamed it did, yet they dealt from the bottom of the deck. Allowing for the perception and political cover for Clinton while developing more clandestine labs adn facilities.
As too IRAN intends the same game for Europe, the UN and the US.
Iran learned well from North Korea that they should agree to any plan that gives them what they wnat in exchange for agreeing to discontinue the NUKE program and enrichment of uranium and to divert the tasks to clandestine labs and facilities.

You will find that they never intend to discontinue what they really intend to enrich and develop weapons. As North Korea played upon the fair nature of LIBS and leftists to believe that they are good to their word, they simply use agreements to take the heat off. They allow for inspections of known facilities while the continue to develop behind closed doors.

The left insists that they KNOW how to deal with rogue nations and that rigid folks like BUSH only play cowboy and as a result risk lives. The political left gets played like a violin by rogue nations, by Kim il Sugn(sp, by IRAN and by the likes of ARAFAT. What has the left achieved in the process---NK is still a threat, PLO is still killing, IRAN will continue to produce what it likes while IRAQ is only a threat to Iraqis and US figure out who knows what they are doing.


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