Tuesday, January 10, 2006

K Street Republicans must go

RWR and we conservatives have long held for less government not more, principles over convenience and less taxes over socialism. Today, the GOP power base in the Congress has lowered taxes but increased the size and scope of government in the process of acquiring power.
The Abramoff scandal and the Delay issues only illustrate that politics can be ugly. Yet, we must expect better from our representatives and demand it!

Find a republican who has been bought and I will show you a man who is not deserving of our support. John Shadagg and Jeff Flake would serve us well if they proposed the end of EARMARKS on bills.

Earmarks have grown from 1439 in 1995, to 4326 in 2000, to 13998 in 2005. If this is the legacy the moderate GOP would like to have, they deserve the same fate as the corupt Democrats of the prior 40 years.

They would serve us well to overturn McCain-Feingold and allow for unlimited money and full immediate disclosure of contributions.

Principles before party and Country is our first interest!


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