Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Kosovo revisited

Well a President did lie or mislead the American people, but that was Clinton not President Bush.
Sometime good deeds go unpunished. A strong case can be made that the US did the right thing in Kosovo, irrespective of the facts that proved the early claims eroneous. It is hard to make the claim the action was worthless, because it did save lives, so on its whole it was helpful, but was it worthy of our effort, I will let you decide, but...
In 1999, Clinton and the culpable American mainstream media made claims of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo by Serbs(Christians) against ethnic Albanians (Muslims). So, along with reports by the Administration and Human Rights groups championing the plight of the Albanians and built on claims of ethnic cleansing the US stepped up.

While Europe did nothing, they pressured Clinton to intervene.

Without Congressional approval.
Without United Nations approval.
Without any existing threat to the United States.
Without out any outcry from anti war groups.
Without any anti-US demonstrations.
Without any evidence to support claims...
the US bombed Serbs on behalf of Muslims in an attempt to defeat the Serbs. Yet, recently a newly placed Prime Minister of this Kosovo province has been indicted on 108 counts of abuse, including rape, torture and mass killings. The UN has had him testify on an invstigation they are conducting on the same matter as the indictments handed down in Serbia.
In fact, it is reported that the KLA's head of elite forces, Muhammed al-Zawahiri, was the brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the military commander for bin Laden's Al Qaeda. This unit was transformed into the the Kosovo Security Force, or police.

The legacy is that no "Clear and Present Danger" existed, no weapons of Mass Destrcution were present. However, the US and NATO conducted an operation in Kosovo which had NO strategic import the the US.
In doing so, the Clinton Administration has helped create the first Muslim Country in Europe...was that really the need or purpose?

Human Rights groups have since found no evidence of mass ethnic cleansing. The totals these groups have found shows deaths of about 10 to 20 thousand not the 100 to 300K the Clinton Administration told us.

So, a President did lie to the American People, but it was not BUSH rather it was Clinton. Succesfully, Clinton used airial Bombing to accomplish his goal of high power but low casualty.
OR...was it an inteligence failure? Why was our information so poor on the numbers beign killed, did we rely upon groups who had motives to lie? Did we do any due diligence in our effort to vet the situation on the ground? Why did the media not ever aske these questions?
Could we have demonstrated a need in 1999 and 2000 of prolbems in our INTEL and gather apperatus to merit change prior to 9/11? Unlikely, but we will never know because the media did not behave the same under Clinton as they did under BUSH, nor did the Human Rights groups, the Anti-US groups, the Anti-War groups, nor the Europeans and the UN.

Yet, no mass demonstrations by the lefties, no mass demonstrations by the anti-war crowd, no mass anti-US demonstrations, no media uproar, no media questions as to whether it was a JUST action...gee, I wonder why?

All it all Clinton backed the efforts of Muslims in Europe over the Christain population, to what end, who knows. Yes, lives were saved, but lives were lost in the process and just this year, Christains were the target of Muslim aggression. As were Christain churches which were burned, so what did we accomplish? Giving rise to an anti Christian base in Kosovo?
What we do know is it was not or should not have been a US prolbem. Because, to act in Europe and not in Africa creates the appearance of bias and racism. If the US along with the NATO nations will step in in Kosovo, why not Africa?
IS THIS NOT THE TERRITORY OF THE UNITED NATIONS, is this not why we created this body? Again they prove irrelevent in real terms.
It should not have been our action, nor should we have made it one. Nevertheless, more importantly, it was never authorized by our Congress nor the world community...but, Clinton received NO flack. It is the quinessential double Standard.


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