Monday, December 20, 2004

What is the difference between Yasar Arafat and Ronald Wilson Reagan?

Maybe the most poignant difference reflects more upon the UN than these two individuals.
The UN actually flew it's flag at half mast for Yasar Arafat. The only man to address the UN with a holstered pistol, was granted a respectful offering while RWR did not.
In fact, on 6/7/2004 the UN only offered a moment of silence and on the day of the 40th Presidents funeral they indeed hoisted the flag to it's full hieght. Additionally, they continued with scheduled parties celebrating UN employees, not even rescheduling them.
So, it goes that Arafat and known and self admitted terrorist. A man who claimed as one of his life acheivments was to orginate airplane hi-jacking was given a greater more respectful farwell than our 40th President.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was not only the great President many of us remember, but he was instrumental in freeing more humans than any other human. His policies led to the destruction of the slave state of the Soviet Union and their satelites.

The UN is a terrorist organization who cares little for people but a great deal about power! They allow for genocide and ignore a truly great statesman...until we withdrawl from the UN, we are wasting our time


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