Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pension Politics and Social Security Reform

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. is going belly up!
Essentially this means bad news for the rest of us.
As baby boomers begin to retire in ernest, it will become ever so clear that most companies have underfuned pension programs and have no way out...that is except for the American Tax Payer.
Yes, big and small business alike has offered the moon and delivered the duck on American workers. Yet, Thanks to Congressional politics we created the PBGC to help take the burden off business and distribute it on the rest of us.

While this bubble has busted, the call by President Bush to clean up and fix the Social Security crisis has fallen upon deaf ears in the Democrat Party. The Dems have burried their heads in the sand...wishing and wanting only the useful excuse to raise taxes...not to solve problems.


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