Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Danish Cartoons and Journalistic Blasphamy.

Whatever you think of the Cartoons that have caused so much distruction by Islamists, the real problem is that the West still does not consider the fact we are at War with Islamofacists, radical Islam.
We can debate, and if you wish, like Clinton and the US STATE DEPT did condemn the printing of the cartoons, but that still misses the point.
Why is it O.K. for the US GOV'T to financially support anti-Christain art, yet find it offensive to print anti-Islamofacist cartoons that portray the dark side of reality?
The Virgin Mary with Dung or the Crucifix in Urine is O.K, right, but these cartoons are over the line. B.S.!!

The West is far too ignorant of the fact we are at War with Islamofacists and radical Islam.
Syria and Iran supported the sacking of foreign Embassy's including the Brittish Embassay-while no Brittish paper even printed the cartoons. In Turkey a Catholic Priest was killed---all in the name of Allah?!

IN IRAN a Woman and her niece were being RAPED by 3 men. The woman was able to stab one of the attackers and kill him...SHE IS BEING PUT TO DEATH!
Where is the outrage! WHERE IS THE MEDIA?

Where are the womens groups, NOW and the FEMINISTS regarding the sentence of Death of a women for killing her rapist? Where is the UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL?

The West is all too willing to support and promote anti Christain behavior and even finance it. That is fine but when you see all the indignation by those who promote the FREE PRESS at all turns in the US you have to cry foul.
CNN released a statement that they will not print the cartoons but will continue to report the story.
WHAT??? What is the story if not the cartoons and the response to them.

The very religion that claims they are peacful and says these cartoons are insensitive are the rioting lunatics who kill as a result!

Until the US people and the left acknowledge the existance of a WAR...we are a nation divided.


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