Friday, January 20, 2006

The Great Emancipator-George W. Bush

Yes, the monicker that had been held by Abe Lincoln for nearly a century and a half has been given (by me) to George W Bush. In many respects, this War on Terrorism could be considered the noblest war on record.
In the process of defeating world terrorism, this war helped to free nearly 40 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is rather remarkable that this has occured and 3 subsequent elections have taken place to pronounce statehood of the newly elected government of Iraq.
A parlimentary government composed of Shia, Sunni and Kurdish elected officials. Yes, in a country the American left has claimed would fall into civil war.
President Lincoln deserves great respect and adualation in the conduct of the US CIVIL WAR and the process of emancipating the Slaves of the Southern States. The Republican Pary, with direction from President Lincoln, pushed through hte 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to build upon the Emancipation Proclaimation and fulfilled his desire to see this Nation whole again.
President Bush responded to the most destructive attack against the United States in our history with a commitment to defeat Terrorism anywhere it lives and breathes. President Bush through his Doctrine first dealt with Afghanistan, freeing that nation and then upon Iraq.
Today, millions of free Iraqis and Afghanis are free to criticize the US and thier own government, solely because of the courage of President Bush and the men and women of the US lead Coalition.
30 -50 Million people today will raise the next, and first, generation of Free people in thier respective countries.

The list of people who have led people out of bondage is few, but that list has received several new names. Leading that list is George W. Bush and the leaders of the Coalition including Tony Blair.


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