Monday, January 16, 2006

Celebrate Civil Rights Day, not MLK DAY

Today, should mark the celebration of not just Dr. Martin Luther King day, but should mark the contributions of all Civil Rights leaders and participants. Civil Rights, in fact, may owe its success not to those leaders but to those named and unnamed ordinary joe acitivists. We should recognize the Students, the wives, the teachers and all americans who wrote, marched and worked to bring our nation to understand the true meanings and purpose of our Constitutional Rights.

We no longer celebrate Saint Valentine, or George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or even the birth of Jesus. We have grouped the good with the bad in Presidents day. So why should we celebrate the life of only Dr. Martin Luther King?

Dr. King believed in lifting people up, not self glory. He was a rare hero of the masses who cared for something greater than himself. He stood with his fellow man, not on their shoulders...he would not have wanted to slight all those who helped to deliver civil rights, rather he would have prefered to stand along side them.

We shoudn't!

He would not want it any more than George Washington wanted to be king.


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