Saturday, July 14, 2007

Gore 'warming' up to a run for President

Al Gore is 'Globally Warming' to a run for the President. As his World Tour of Hotair Aid fizzled to poor attendence, weak star power and embarresing ratings, Gore realizes his religious cult of Anthropogenic Global Warming is beginning to leak out of his balloon.
Recent poll numbers show that Hillary still has ways to go, showing neg ratings at over 50% is some constituency groups. The new-kid-on-the-block Barrack Osoma has yet to be tested in the media but raises money like a tel-evangelist because the DEM donors realize the sand on which the Clinton White House hopes stand on, is loose. Edwards, the Cosmo Candidate, is possibly less equiped to be President than he is to be the host on America Has Talent.
So all this leaves the vast middle, the populist middle and the wacky fringe enviro-nuts open for the taking, enter the resounding refrain from the left...'Impeach Bush and Run Al, Run'.

You can almost hear the song being sung..."Divinity School Drop out"...can't you!
You shot your camera in Nam, you held the V.P in your Palm...You stood by the Commander-in-Chief waiting for your shot, took your case to the Court, but alas you were...A Divinity School Drop-out...but you found your the fears of all us swim'n...using Global Warm'n to scare the people to care.....telling them lies to convince that you were the prince....the only one who can take,....the Job from the Liar and Fake, Mr President, we want to impeach, the role you want always to be called Mr. President, instead of 'Divinity school Drop-out......

Gore has seen that the vacuum is ready for him to enter the fray, maybe October, or perhaps November...being able to raise money under the umbrella of Global Warming, he has amassed a fortune he can use to take the nominiation, and begin his fundraising in Feb or March.

Rest assure, his star power is at its height, he has never been more popular. His adoring fans and deep pocketed celebraty crowd want him to join the race, be the Man to save us from ourselves (the Sun, really).

If Al Gore doesn't enter the fray, I will be shocked and disapointed in the fact I was 100% wrong as it relates to his most desired goal...but we know his propensity to lie about anything, or is it ignorance?

This man will seek the Presidency, he cannot avoid being the star in his own thiller, his on documentary on the Man who save the world, no not Jesus, but Al Gore...Citizen Gore, the new Barnum, the purveyor of a sucker is born every minute personified.

Al Gore will run and it will end up being the Battle of Tennessee...GORE vs. Thompson...Senator vs. Senator, Hipocrite vs. Hipcrite (means actor too).

Who would have ever expected that Tennessee would become such an important place, vital, central to our future as a country...because the next President will preside presumably over the transformation of our Nation...the crash of Social Security, the looming Recession, the Global...(you thought I was going to say Warming, didn't you) War on Terrorism, the Medicare Crisis, the Possible Socialization of HealthCare and the dynamic changes that face our food supply while trying to rid ourselves of Middle Eastern oil...The Challenges that face the next President are possibly the most dounting challenges in the past 50 years...

Our country rests at the edge of a narrow ledge, in front lies a narrow gate that brings us to the promised land, while just below us, the wide gate is more easily reached, but the next leader of the Free World must choose....the Narrow gate or the Wide?

Does the next President face the challenges of Global Terrorism or Global get to decide that course in November 2008!

Stay tuned to the Hot Air Channel...


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