Bush and his Waterloo...
Over the last 10 years Latin America has slowly fallen back towards less freedom for it's peoples. While Democratic principals have propelled many nations to greater and greater success economically, the assention of people like Chavez and newly selected Sandinista to lead the Army in Nicaruaga has brough the region closer to it's collective past than to it's democratic future.
Not helping the cause are people like Fidel Castro and Jimmy Carter who for different reasons have placed themselves too much into the fray.
Bush like CLinton has spent too little time worrying about the transformation of this region and as a result we have lost ground. The people have lost as a result of it.
Bush needs to re-assert our interest and hence the interest of Freedom and true democratic principals in the region. Despite great wealth from oil both Venezuala and neighboring states have missused the resources and led thier nations further backwards, in other words backslide from democracy. Sadly, Jimmy Carter endored and condoned this result and practice in Venezuala.
Ultimately, as Brazil and Argentina begin to control more and more of the worlds agriculture market we are going to shift even more power to the region. IF we wait to act againt the shifting political structures, we will have missed our opportunity.
Trying to help back the opponent in an election and coup effort has worsened our appeal in the region, so more is needed as is better (ideas).
Though the Presidents plate is full compared to the lost opportunity we call the Clinton years, we can not make excuses today. IT must be a priority and it must beging as soon as possible.
In 1998, when Chavez came to power we have done too little to build the case for him to come to us rather than us going to him. We need new governance in the region and less participation by Cuba. Cuba is the greater influencer of action in the region than we are, this is sad. It is time for Bush to make a push into the game of politics of South and Central America. IT is time to announce a special unit led by the governor of Florida to lead a diplomatic team to speak for the US.