Friday, February 25, 2005

Bush and his Waterloo...

Certainly, President Bush will go down as one of the best 3 Presidents of the last 100 years. Along with FDR and Reagan, Bush has shown exceptional leadership and vision. Yet, as with both FDR and Reagan, he too has his issues and examples of weakness. FDR had the expansion of government and the depression that loomed, while Reagan had his Iran/Contra issue, so too does Bush have his...Central and South America (Latin America).
Over the last 10 years Latin America has slowly fallen back towards less freedom for it's peoples. While Democratic principals have propelled many nations to greater and greater success economically, the assention of people like Chavez and newly selected Sandinista to lead the Army in Nicaruaga has brough the region closer to it's collective past than to it's democratic future.
Not helping the cause are people like Fidel Castro and Jimmy Carter who for different reasons have placed themselves too much into the fray.
Bush like CLinton has spent too little time worrying about the transformation of this region and as a result we have lost ground. The people have lost as a result of it.

Bush needs to re-assert our interest and hence the interest of Freedom and true democratic principals in the region. Despite great wealth from oil both Venezuala and neighboring states have missused the resources and led thier nations further backwards, in other words backslide from democracy. Sadly, Jimmy Carter endored and condoned this result and practice in Venezuala.

Ultimately, as Brazil and Argentina begin to control more and more of the worlds agriculture market we are going to shift even more power to the region. IF we wait to act againt the shifting political structures, we will have missed our opportunity.

Trying to help back the opponent in an election and coup effort has worsened our appeal in the region, so more is needed as is better (ideas).

Though the Presidents plate is full compared to the lost opportunity we call the Clinton years, we can not make excuses today. IT must be a priority and it must beging as soon as possible.
In 1998, when Chavez came to power we have done too little to build the case for him to come to us rather than us going to him. We need new governance in the region and less participation by Cuba. Cuba is the greater influencer of action in the region than we are, this is sad. It is time for Bush to make a push into the game of politics of South and Central America. IT is time to announce a special unit led by the governor of Florida to lead a diplomatic team to speak for the US.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Tripp, Wead!

Where are the comparisons to the devil from the media. Where are the CNN's and Chris Matthews to bore a hole into Mr. Wead for illegally taping a friend. Is it just me or is their a doulbe standard on how the media is reacting to Wead verse the media doormate Tripp.
The excitement and joy over Wead is a U-turn for the media over Taping. So in case your keeping score it is OK for the Husband and Wife team to stalk and tape Newt Gingrich cell phone, NOT OK for Linda Tripp to tape her friend when she asked Her (Tripp) to lie for her about what the President did or did not do, and it is OK for Wead to tap the Governor of Texas privately...this according to the reactiosn of Mainstream Media.
In case your are wondering, it is OK to whistle blow on Government or Big Business but not OK to do so if you are Jose Cansenco doing so about fellow Baseball players...seems the media is a fickle bunch!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"For the Children" or not

For as long as one can remember this has been the Democrat and Liberal mantra to get action on anything from Education to Welfare. The left has used this tag line so much it has become cliché. To generate widespread interest or to throw guilt upon opponents of an issue, the left has used it like humans use oxygen. That is until something really IS for the Children--Social Security Reform.

From the liberal organization AARP to every liberal pundit on TV and in the Mainstream Media (MSM), you will find the, 'this is not a crisis until 2042'. The left has little to no interest in helping save the Social Security system for our youth, the children of America. Rather they complain that the President is over reaching and overreacting to the problem that is decades off, beginning to payout more than is coming in, in 2018.

Ironic that AARP is so active in this campaign against reform when the President has already issued a mandate that any reform exempts those born before 1950 (55 and over). Yet it is the liberal lobby known as AARP that is helping to drive this opposition to the reform efforts. Selfish, comes to mind for the greatest generation. Wow, no benefit cuts for them, but watch out if you want t o reform the great Ponzi scheme created by the great FDR, who knew of it’s failings from the beginning.

Considering that the impact of the crisis will not affect seniors or near seniors, it is really an issue for the children. Yes, the same children we have heard so much about as the one's having to pay for this war in Iraq because we are running deficits to pay for it. The same children who we have heard, adnauseam, that are the one's burdened with the 7 trillion debt.
Do not bother to consider, if you are the AARP or the standard barriers of the liberal cause that 11 to 12 trillion in unfunded liabilities owed to those born as of today are owed to future retires. This amount will fade away into the solvency that IS voluntary SS retirement accounts. IT would become the single greatest tax cut and debt payoff in World history!

All the President and those who are sensible are asking is for us to pay ahead on the burden like we would a mortgage. By paying ahead we reduce the liability that lays ahead of us. To think the Left, the Dems and the AARP are just playing politics on the single most important offering by a President in US history is criminal. Not only is it an attempt to solve the problem, but by clearing this Titanic deck (SS) we will better allow ourselves the ability to reform Medicare which also looms large. But first things first…let’s tackle Social Security before it is out of control, while it is only a crisis.

What scares the left so much is that this President dares to be right, and is on this issue. How can they live with themselves when this problem is solved by a Republican who cut taxes during the process…oh nightmare!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Iranian Explosion or was it a tree in the woods?

Well, it seems an explosion took place this morning at or near a Nuke facility in the Bushehr Province in Iran. Yet, to hear everyone it would seem it is their version of TWA800, many early thoughts but all denying the worst.

First, early today (2/16), we heard that an explosion, a major one, was both heard and seen in the region. First reports were sketcy and claimed it was a road building project, this dropped off early news reports fast and replaced by a report from a government official, Ali Agha Mohammedi who then claimed it was a dam project.

The early reports being promulgated by an official with the Supreme National Security Council was that it was an explosion related to a Dam building project.

Second, we then began to get reports from the unnamed source field that claimed eye witnesses saw a missile fired from an unidentified plane cause the explosion at the Nuke Facility that will be operational in mid 2005. These reports were quickly refuted by Iranian sources, who were equally unnamed.

Finally, the latest reports are that the explosion came from a fuel tank that was dropped by a passing aircraft. You know that seems to be happening far too frequently lately.

So in the matter of 8 hours we have seen 4 or 5 different versions of the story. Let us hope whatever the story is that it was a direct hit on the Nuke facility!

Rather a mess at CBS...

Dan Rather and his hatred of President Bush is having the same affect that this irrational behavior had upon the Democratic Party.

Dan Rather has destabalized the once proud CBS NEWS foundation. In fighting due to the coverup of process used at CBS is beginning to show it's ugly head, In an attempt to coverup and do damage control while maintaining the mountain of image that is Dan Rather, CBS has put the ego ahead of the entire News Division.

Discredited and soon to be defrocked is the state of the state at CBS. This will be fun to watch as the bitter struggle ensues over who was responsible and who should have been held accountable

Stay tuned, film at noon, 5, 6 and 11

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Jimmy Carter the inept, should be his name

Jimmy Carter is a decent man usually trying to do what he feels is right. IF only he would use his mind more than his heart we migh find ourselves in a better place today.
Ignoring the ineptitude of his Presidency and only focusing upon his Internationalism of the last decade exemplifies his weakness of heart and foolish behavior.
First, He was the driving force that set off the Clinton train wreck known as the 'Agreed Framework'. Offering to give a ruthless dictator heavy fuel for inspections is like giving a child a pepsi if they agree to stop eating so much candy. The Carter/Clinton disaster that is North Korea is still being felt in International circles today, and President Bush is charged with cleaning it up.

But, potentially worse than that is Carters latest test of his ineptitude...Venezuela.

Jimmy Carter is a decent man usually trying to do what he feels is right. IF only he would use his mind more than his heart we might find ourselves in a better place today.
Ignoring the ineptitude of his Presidency and only focusing upon his Internationalism of the last decade exemplifies his weakness of heart and foolish behavior.
First, He was the driving force that set off the Clinton train wreck known as the 'Agreed Framework'. Offering to give a ruthless dictator heavy fuel for inspections is like giving a child a Pepsi if they agree to stop eating so much candy. The Carter/Clinton disaster that is North Korea is still being felt in International circles today, and President Bush is charged with cleaning it up.

But, potentially worse than that, is Carters latest test of his ineptitude...Venezuela.

When Jimmy Carter used his prestige to endorse and certify the last election in Venezuela he helped to imprison a population in a Stalin like state. Huge Chavez agreed to allow Carter to monitor then pulled the rug out from under the former President. But, instead of calling foul, he went along with the limited access and controlled access that he was left with by Chavez.
Inspecting only a small percentage the original agreed to amount of polling sites. Only inspecting those Chavez allowed to be reviewed and only allowing directed and no random checks, Chavez ran a fraud of an election.
Instead of calling foul and packing up and going home in protest, Carter allowed for his name to used, his organization to be used to prop up the illegal regime that is Hugo Chavez.

Carter in doing so, has put the population who by all measures voted against and threw out Chavez to be ruled by his strong thumb. The exit polling showed a 59%-41% win for the opposition yet Carter certified the results of a Chavez victory. In a long Democratic liberal history of supporting communists over freedom seekers Carter has put his name behind the seizure of power, the re-writing of the Constitution, the destruction of civil liberties, the importation of Cuban security, military and intelligence service personal to keep down the throngs of dissent in the country.

Jimmy Carter is the grandfather of the Communist takeover of the largest oil supply in this hemisphere. Jimmy Carter is the grantor of power to a ruthless killer of those who dissent. Jimmy Carter is functioning as the legitimizer of evil in South America.

Yet, you hardly hear a word in our media about the actions only a short distance from our shores.

Chavez, thanks to Carter, has been able to now 'Pack the Courts", re-Write the Constitution to expand his powers, Purge the Military Stalin style, stamp out media dissent and censor his enemies' all thanks to the inept Jimmy Carter, who claimed our own elections were suspect prior to November, Trying to cast doubt upon the result even before the ballots were cast. This man is not mixed up; he is the doer of bad deeds!

Hail the King maker in North Korea and now in Venezuela

Do Over...Iraqi style

Last month elections were held to form the new 'temporary' government of Iraq in a parliamentary form. Conspicuously absent were the Sunni's, who boycotted the election. They did so mainly in an attempt to thwart the legitimacy of the vote and in so doing energize the insurgency.
Yesterday, Sunni leaders accepted the offer of the three leading voting groups, the Shia, the Kurds and the Allawi lead faction to come into the newly formed government. Though the Sunni make up 1/5 of the population they managed to only get a handful of seats do to their boycott.
Miraculously, the spirit of democracy has shown like the sun on the newly planted field (with some inducement by the Bush Administration)and inspired those who lived through the brutal reign of the Sunni to reach out to their fellow Iraqi. All in the attempt to help create a greater re-birth of the Iraqi state.

Rarely in human history can one recall such an offering. The wisdom and benevolence of this act by the winners will undoubtedly help suppress the insurgency. The undertaking will let some of the air out of the Sunni support for the foreign lead insurgency. Iran is going to have a much tougher fight on their hands from Akbar and Ansi Iraqi.

I wonder why you may have missed this worthy of front page news in your local paper, your national paper, your local or national Mainstream News source, but rest assure this is the most momentous day in Iraqi's future. Outside of the first election, this is going to be a holiday before the next generation has the opportunity to vote in 20 years!

Random Thoughts

My stream of thought...

Multiple AP wire stories have purposely misled on the issue of Global Warming. Gracefully ignoring and miss interpreting facts the AP and the MSM has distorted the truth.

YES, the average annual temp. has gone up by about 1 degree over the last hundred years. Yet, AP does not offer the detail behind the fact. That half of that increase took place before 1930 and before the massive use of the internal combustion engine.

YES, Greenhouse gases can help affect the average annual temp., but humans are not the largest creator of greenhouse gases and fossil fuels are not even the greatest cause of Carbon Monoxide, cows and volcano’s are.

Yet, the most under reported fact is that water vapor is the most prolific and important greenhouse gas

If you were to read the NYTIMES, most newspapers, listen to nightly news or listen to liberals and Democrats like Al Gore, you would think we are the personification of the evil that is Global Warming, yet the facts prove differently.


Is it just me or are the Grammy awards worthless and less than entertaining? Well it is not just me, ratings were down 25% over the last year.

Is it just me or does the fact that Chris Rock's vulgarity fit so perfectly into Hollywood put the certainty into me doing something else that night?


Steroids and Baseball, it seems like a fit. I could not tell that a problem existed when Brady Anderson hit 50 homeruns? I did not see the writing on the wall when Canseco, McGuire, Bonds and Sosa turned out to be Ruth in the 90's.
I am not shocked to find gambling going on in locker rooms anymore than i am to find that all these guys chasing records are unworthy of my entertainment dollars...that is why i choose not to spend it on the Rays.


The UN is perfectly corrupt! Rape charges from Peace Keeping Opperations are just a fitting headline to the reality of the UN screwing the World and in particular the US for decades now.

Disband this body and create a Free States Organization


Why is it OK to starve a patient to death, but not a prisoner? Taking out a feeding tube is rarely challenged but try to starve a prisoner or humiliate them and the media draws the line with thier brothers in arms the ACLU, but if your a patient, fo-get-about-it!


Social Security is a giant Ponzi scheme. Yet the left and the media focus upon the 'Transition Costs' as a problem for moving forward with reform. Ironic, the left and the media who roundly champion the children would rather not help them by "paying ahead" the costs of reform. Because that is what it is, we would be paying ahead, not adding costs to Social Security to reform it.

It is analogous to paying ahead on a 30 year mortgage to reduce the overall cost and amount owed. The so-called Transition cost is just a form of paying ahead to lessen the already known costs going forward. Currently we have at least an unfunded program cost of 11-12 Trillion dollars for all people already born. If we were to pay ahead as we move to Partial Privitization, we reduce the overall cost of the program and save Trillions in the process. This is why your financial manager would incourage you to pay ahead on your mortgage---TO SAVE MONEY, yet the LIBS could care less for the Children.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Wacky Media

Eason Jordan resigns for making a statement that he believed that US forces purposely targeted Journalists in Iraq. Wrong, stupid and foolish, but is it worthy of his resignation---NO.
Jordan offered an opinion and he should be held accountable for it, but not having to resign. He should be required to defend his factually bankrupt ideas. Hell, with fools like that at CNN, i feel much better.
Jordan should have been fired along with the entire managerial staff when he disclosed that the entire News unit covered Iraq more favorably than they otherwise would have for the purpose of protecting their journalists in Iraq during Saddam’s reign.
A news organization that admits it did not report the true cruel behavior (the FACTS) of SH because they feared for the reporters on the ground should be disbanded and whole criticized. They should have reported the facts (how novel) and taken their reporters out!

I truly believe this is the MOST egregious media action in the history of the media. Under reporting the cruel and brutal nature of the regime and then following it up with less than favorable coverage of the War. Purposely misleading the public and helping to build a coalition against the War.
For this he should have been fired, not his opinion...too little too late for CNN.