Monday, January 30, 2006

BIG OIL is profitable roosters follow the sun, so will the Dems

Expect the calls from the DEMS again this week on BIG OIL and the need to reign in thier profits. You can set your watch by it!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Bowing at the alter of the Left(ists)

The Left in the US has always feared the close ties they have in spirit with communists. So much so, that in 2000 the MSM networks and consortium that organizes for Presidential Elections changed the (red) designation from the Dem candidate to the GOP candidate.
An obvious effort to avoid the RED state connotaion with communism.

Yet, with such onnerous efforts to hide the connections to communism it seems the left today cannot get to Hugo Chavez fast enough.

The list of dignataries from the US is endlessly inline to visist the Communist leader.
The left in this country fear BUSH more than they do Hugo you see the problem yet? The left in this country will us McCarthyism to attack a conservative Justice Nominee...they are so predictable, THEY ARE SO RED!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Why the Steelers will be SUPER

The Steel Curtain will wear black for the Extra Large Super Bowl (Super Bowl XL).
They are 9-2 this year on the road and Cowher wants to go into this game with the same us against the world mentality.
Seatle is a respectable 5-3 on the road and has a great running game. Hasselbeck is a fine thrower and plays well in the modified WC system. However the real reason the Seahawks will be in Detroit is because of the solid play of the D.
As a result this game will prove to be a slugfest.
Turnovers will be the winning factor for the next Champ.

Big plays will not be the norm in this game excluding the big turnover.

Yet the game will be decided on two fronts; QB play and the running game.

The STEELERS will not throw unless they have too and the HAWKS will also try to grind it out. Boring on the surface, but just wait to see the interior line play.

In games won/lost on the running game, the tackling will be the key to the effectiveness of the game.

STEELERS will win in a slugfest including one turnover for a TD.


Friday, January 20, 2006

The Great Reagan--25 years ago today

The World was changed for evermore on this date in 1981. Ronald Wilson Reagan was sworn in by Chief Justice Burger and assumed the role as President of the United States.
In short order the world was changed.
On the very day he was inaugerated, the hostages held by extremists in Iran freed those hostages after 444 days in captivity. They feared a strong response from the newly sworn in President--rightfully so!
Since that day the US has experienced unprecedented growth. Only 15 months over the last 25 years have been in recesion. This can be attributed to the Reagan economic revolution that was ushered in under his leadership.
By cutting TAX RATES and lowering Taxes the US economy has experienced growth on a massive scale over the last quarter century.
By deregulating the economy the reigns were taken off, allowing for the growth that spawned a technological revolution.
By challanging the Soviet Union to keep up with our re-emphsis on Defense Spending we crippled the centralized economy of the Evil Empirer.

The Reagan Revolution was three pronged...
1) Lessen the burden of Government on the American People
2) Lessen the burden of Government on the US Economy
3) Champion Freedom around the globe through strong and forceful measures

"Reagan's core policy agenda has been implemented fairly consistently for the past 25 years. With a few notable setbacks, he created a foundation for prosperity based on sound money, low marginal tax rates, and efficient, minimal regulation that has remained in place to this day."(Mallory Factor)

Today we see all around us the fruits of his efforts and leadership. Today there is not a west or east Berlin, or Germany. Today no Eastern Bloc exists. Today no wall splits the Germany's.
Today we no longer have confiscatory taxes on individuals or business.

Thank you MR. PRESIDENT, Thank you President REAGAN!

attached is a OPED OPINION JOURNAL article on RWR...


Still Morning in America
Reaganomics, 25 years later.

Friday, January 20, 2006 12:01 a.m.

Twenty-five years ago today, Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as the 40th President of the United States promising less intrusive government, lower tax rates and victory over communism. On that same day, the American hostages in Iran were freed after 444 days of captivity. If the story of history is one long and arduous march toward freedom, this was a momentous day well worth commemorating.
All the more so because over this 25-year period prosperity has been the rule, not the exception, for America--in stark contrast to the stagflationary 1970s. Perhaps the greatest tribute to the success of Reaganomics is that, over the course of the past 276 months, the U.S. economy has been in recession for only 15. That is to say, 94% of the time the U.S. economy has been creating jobs (43 million in all) and wealth ($30 trillion). More wealth has been created in the U.S. in the last quarter-century than in the previous 200 years. The policy lessons of this supply-side prosperity need to be constantly relearned, lest we return to the errors that produced the 1970s.

The heart and soul of Reagan's economic agenda were sound money (making the dollar "as good as gold," as Reagan used to put it) and lower tax rates. On monetary policy, Reagan has won a resounding victory. Today, nearly all economists agree with Reagan's then-controversial belief that the sole purpose of monetary policy should be to keep prices stable. Double-digit inflation is a distant memory unlikely to recur anytime soon.
On tax policy, Reaganomics has also carried the day, if somewhat less completely. Tax rates in the U.S. are on average half as high now as they were in the 1970s, and almost every nation has followed the Reagan model of lower tax rates. Even Bill Clinton only dared to raise the top marginal income tax rate back to 39.5%, not 50% or 70%.

Nonetheless, tax cuts still stand in disrepute among most of the media, academics and Democrats in Congress, albeit for shifting reasons. When Reagan proposed his 30% across-the-board tax-rate cut, his critics howled that this would cause demand to rise and lead to hyper-inflation. In fact, supply rose faster than demand, and inflation fell to 4% from 13% and has fallen even lower since. When the economy went into a deep recession in 1981-82, Reagan's adversaries (and some of his own advisers) declared his tax cuts a failure. Reagan said stay the course, and the moment the final leg of the tax cut took effect, in January of 1983, the economy roared to life with an expansion that lasted more than seven years.

When the budget deficit rose in the mid-1980s, the liberals warned that if Reagan would not raise taxes interest rates would skyrocket. He didn't and rates didn't. After the 1987 stock market crash, liberal John Kenneth Galbraith wrote that "this debacle marks the last chapter of Reaganomics . . . and the irresponsible tax cuts." Again, Reagan refused to buckle, and two months later the stock market recovered and the expansion roared on--an expansion that didn't end until George H.W. Bush reversed course and raised taxes in 1990.

The Gipper's critics have written an economic history of the 1990s that they portray as a repudiation of Reaganomics. In this telling--known as Rubinomics--the Clinton tax hikes of 1993 ended the budget deficit, which caused interest rates to fall, which produced the boom of the mid- to late-1990s. In fact, the budget deficit hardly fell at all in the immediate aftermath of the tax hike, and while long-term interest rates fell in 1993, they shot back up again in 1994 almost precisely through Election Day (rising by some 230 basis points from October 1993 to November 1994).
On that day, voters repudiated the Clinton tax hikes and the specter of HillaryCare and gave Republicans control of Capitol Hill to govern on the Reaganite agenda of lowering taxes and shrinking runaway government. Both the stock and bond markets turned upward precisely on Election Day in 1994, beginning a whirlwind six-year rally. By 1998, growth and fiscal restraint delivered a budget surplus for the first time in nearly 30 years. In 1997 President Clinton signed a further reduction in the capital gains tax, which propelled investment and the stock market to even greater heights.

The latest chapter of this story is the 2003 income and investment tax cuts enacted by the current President Bush. As in 1981, opponents insisted those tax cuts would harm the economy by increasing the deficit and driving up interest rates. But in the two and a half years since those tax cuts passed, the economy and tax revenues have both surged.

Where Republicans have most strayed from the Reagan vision has been on controlling federal spending. But most still adhere to his tax-cutting lessons, with a few prominent exceptions (notably Senator John McCain). They should all recall the Gipper's words in his inauguration speech 25 years ago: "It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government."

The Great Emancipator-George W. Bush

Yes, the monicker that had been held by Abe Lincoln for nearly a century and a half has been given (by me) to George W Bush. In many respects, this War on Terrorism could be considered the noblest war on record.
In the process of defeating world terrorism, this war helped to free nearly 40 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is rather remarkable that this has occured and 3 subsequent elections have taken place to pronounce statehood of the newly elected government of Iraq.
A parlimentary government composed of Shia, Sunni and Kurdish elected officials. Yes, in a country the American left has claimed would fall into civil war.
President Lincoln deserves great respect and adualation in the conduct of the US CIVIL WAR and the process of emancipating the Slaves of the Southern States. The Republican Pary, with direction from President Lincoln, pushed through hte 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to build upon the Emancipation Proclaimation and fulfilled his desire to see this Nation whole again.
President Bush responded to the most destructive attack against the United States in our history with a commitment to defeat Terrorism anywhere it lives and breathes. President Bush through his Doctrine first dealt with Afghanistan, freeing that nation and then upon Iraq.
Today, millions of free Iraqis and Afghanis are free to criticize the US and thier own government, solely because of the courage of President Bush and the men and women of the US lead Coalition.
30 -50 Million people today will raise the next, and first, generation of Free people in thier respective countries.

The list of people who have led people out of bondage is few, but that list has received several new names. Leading that list is George W. Bush and the leaders of the Coalition including Tony Blair.

Democrats in denial

Al Jazerra brought out the latest bin Laden audio tape yesterday. Much can be drawn from the timing and much can be drawn from the audio itself. Yet, possibly the most interesting part is that it seems the only group in the world that does not connect our efforts in Iraq to the War on Terrorism is the Democrat Party.

Al Jazerra, the media arm of the jihad, decides when to release bin Laden's messages when they are delivered to them. They chose to release this one just after it was deterimined that the key bombmaker for bin Laden was killed in our drone attack on a party in Pakistan last week.
In the Audio the certainly beleaguered bin Laden tells us that he is in serious trouble...but more, he places clear connection with Iraq and Terrorism.
It would seem the only group in the world who denies this connection stands here in the name of the Democrat Party.
Biden, Clinton, Durbin, Kennedy, Dean and crew are the only folks in the world who have not made the clear connection.
Politics over country!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

National Security vs. Democrat Politics

Ignore for the moment that the President has the Constitutional power to defend our nation. Ignore for the moment that this is much ado about nothing, and...

The Democrats have decided that they hate President Bush more than they love the Country. They have chosen to attack our efforts in Iraq, call for retreat, ignore the remarkable success of 3 elections and embolden the terrorists all in one swift swoop.

Most recently that have chosen to attack an NSA eavesdropping program designed to discover terrorist plots before they happen. The Liberal and Democrat concern is not our civil liberties, though they are trying to use that umbrella, rather it is any issue that they can piggy back into the White House and to attempt to discredit Bush.

The clear ease at determining the goals of the Dems is simply becuase if they were concerned about this issue they would not have waited this long to address it.
First, they had several years from September 2001 until December 2005, yet never uttered a concern.
Second, they along with the DNC national newspaper, the New York Times, defended the Echelon program during the Clinton years---which was a far broader effort and undertaking.

Thirdly, they enjoy any opportunity to try to characterize the President as overreaching or power hungry.

Finally, the fact that more than 50 months have come and gone with not a single attack on the US shores, or an attack on US interests of any significance is startleing considering the odvious efforts being pushed by AQ and its allies.
This NSA issue is a smoke screen to attempt to discredit President Bush...too bad the American people support his efforts it was an interesting try.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Education of the worst kind (choice vs Unions)

The Democrats and Teachers Unions have been fighting for years against the children of America. Even worse than that, they are fighting hardest against minorities and inner city children.
In a recent Florida Supreme Court (FSC) decision the majority overturned a limited voucher program(Opportunity Scholarships on the grounds that the program did not meet State Constitutional muster on the basis that the funding did not meet a "uniform,...high quality". Yet on those grounds, the government schools fail abysmally.
Ironically, it was a grouping of the NEA, ACLU, NAACP and the DEMOCRAT PARTY OF FLORIDA that worked together to get the Opportunity Scholarships rejected by the State Supreme Court. Yes, the same NAACP which was designed to "Advance" the plight of Colored People or African Americans.
The net result in education is that the Teachers Unions care only about the teacher and not a lick about the student. They spend millions of confiscated dollars (from teacher's union dues) to stop, delay, and prevent choice or voucher programs to be implimented around the country.
Ulitimately the people who lose in this fight are the students themselves and most notably minorities. The NAACP does not support efforts to improve the conditions and challenges faced by minorities.

Without competition the poor and educationally disadvantaged will be subjected to an ever increasingly poor product. If the Teachers Union only cares about Teachers pay and benefits, and the parents have no choice on where to send thier children, the educational disconnect will only widen.
Accountability is the only tool to improve conditions for students. Money has shown to be a useless measure of success. In the last 5 years Federal spending has doubled and total spending has done likewise over the last 30 years, yet results have only declined.
Accountability can be acheived through choice or vouchers. We should no longer require land owners to pay taxes and have not a hope of deciding how it is spent. We spend more than any other nation in the world yet we test out at 25th...socialism in education needs to be replaced with market reforms before another generation is lost to the malidy of socialism--uninspired education.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Politics of Texas Tea (Iran, Venezuala, and Russia)

What do the governments of Russia, Venezuala, Saudi Arabi and Iran have in common?
At least two very important things.
They all have a form of Authoratarian government and...OIL.
The largest reserves of oil are held by this group of less than democratic nations. The use of crude oil reserves has become even more political than they were in the 70's under OPEC.
The efforts the US has made on behalf of the world in IRAQ may prove to be the most important geo-political

Celebrate Civil Rights Day, not MLK DAY

Today, should mark the celebration of not just Dr. Martin Luther King day, but should mark the contributions of all Civil Rights leaders and participants. Civil Rights, in fact, may owe its success not to those leaders but to those named and unnamed ordinary joe acitivists. We should recognize the Students, the wives, the teachers and all americans who wrote, marched and worked to bring our nation to understand the true meanings and purpose of our Constitutional Rights.

We no longer celebrate Saint Valentine, or George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or even the birth of Jesus. We have grouped the good with the bad in Presidents day. So why should we celebrate the life of only Dr. Martin Luther King?

Dr. King believed in lifting people up, not self glory. He was a rare hero of the masses who cared for something greater than himself. He stood with his fellow man, not on their shoulders...he would not have wanted to slight all those who helped to deliver civil rights, rather he would have prefered to stand along side them.

We shoudn't!

He would not want it any more than George Washington wanted to be king.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Senator Kennedy vs. Judge Alito

If this was not real it would be hilarious!

Senator Kenndy has as much right to pass judgement upon Judge Alito as Stalin has to pass judgemnet upon Churchill.

Yes, the man who is sitting and questioning Judge Alito on his listing CAP (Concerned Citizens of Princton)and the radical views that organization had held in the past, is the same man (Sen. Kennedy) who was kicked out of Harvard for Cheating on a Spanish Exam.

The most interesting and sad aspect of this line of questioning by Kennedy is that the article he cited was a Satire piece not a bigoted article. It was Satire, but Kennedy would rather bleive the worst about conservatives, because he does believe the worst about conservatives.
I will not even go into his reading comprehension skills, because he did go to Harvard, oh that was until he was kicked out for cheating...did I mention that?

Ironically, Teddy belonged to the Owl Club at Harvard. The Owl Club, long reviled at Harvard as "sexist," was evicted from the campus in 1984 for violating federal anti-discrimination laws authored by Kennedy. Kennedy was paid up to date with respect to membership ($100) and had updated his personal information as recently as September 7th 2005. So Again Senator Kennedy is a large, round hypocrite!

Teddy should be coming up for parole about now, not sitting in the cloak room in the Senate chambers.

Good save this nation from teddy and crew!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

NSA journalism practicing sensorship

Three terrorists were arested in Italy for plans to attach the US. Yet

The mainstream U.S. media outlets have failed to report a major terrorist plot against the U.S. - because it would tend to support President Bush's use of NSA domestic surveillance, according to media watchdog groups.
News of a planned attack masterminded by three Algerians operating out of Italy was widely reported outside the U.S., but went virtually unreported in the American media.

Italian authorities recently announced that they had used wiretaps to uncover the conspiracy to conduct a series of major attacks inside the U.S. Italian Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu said the planned attacks would have targeted stadiums, ships and railway stations, and the terrorists' goal, he said, was to exceed the devastation caused by 9/11.

Italian authorities stepped up their internal surveillance programs after July's terrorist bombings in London. Their domestic wiretaps picked up phone conversations by Algerian Yamine Bouhrama that discussed terrorist attacks in Italy and abroad.

Italian authorities arrested Bouhrama on November 15 and he remains in prison. Authorities later arrested two other men, Achour Rabah and Tartaq Sami, who are believed to be Bouhrama's chief aides in planning the attacks. The arrests were a major coup for Italian anti-terror forces, and the story was carried in most major newspapers from Europe to China.

"U.S. terror attacks foiled," read the headline in England's Sunday Times. In France, a headline from Agence France Presse proclaimed, "Three Algerians arrested in Italy over plot targeting U.S."

Curiously, what was deemed worthy of a worldwide media blitz abroad was virtually ignored by the U.S. media, and conservative media watchdog groups are saying that is no accident.

"My impression is that the major media want to use the NSA story to try and impeach the president," says Cliff Kincaid, editor of the Accuracy in Media Report published by the grassroots Accuracy in Media organization.

"If you remind people that terrorists actually are planning to kill us, that tends to support the case made by President Bush. They will ignore any issue that shows that this kind of [wiretapping] tactic can work in the war on terror."

The Associated Press version of the story did not disclose that the men planned to target the U.S. Nor did it report that the evidence against the suspects was gathered via a wiretapping surveillance operation.

Furthermore, only one American newspaper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, is known to have published the story that the AP distributed. It ran on page A-6 under the headline "Italy Charges 3 Algerians." The Inquirer report also made no mention of the plot to target the U.S. - although foreign publications included this information in the headlines and lead sentences of their stories. Nor did it advise readers that domestic wiretaps played a key role in nabbing the suspected terrorists.

One obvious question media critics are now raising: Did the American media intentionally ignore an important story because it didn't fit into their agenda of attacking President George Bush for using wiretapping to spy on potential terrorists in the U.S.?

"It's clear to me," says AIM's Kincaid, "that they're trying their best to make this NSA program to be an impeachable offense, saying it is directed at ordinary Americans. That's why they keep referring to this as a 'program of spying on Americans' - whereas the president keeps pointing out it's a program designed to uncover al-Qaida operations on American soil."

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Alito and jurisprudence

Pension Politics and Social Security Reform

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. is going belly up!
Essentially this means bad news for the rest of us.
As baby boomers begin to retire in ernest, it will become ever so clear that most companies have underfuned pension programs and have no way out...that is except for the American Tax Payer.
Yes, big and small business alike has offered the moon and delivered the duck on American workers. Yet, Thanks to Congressional politics we created the PBGC to help take the burden off business and distribute it on the rest of us.

While this bubble has busted, the call by President Bush to clean up and fix the Social Security crisis has fallen upon deaf ears in the Democrat Party. The Dems have burried their heads in the sand...wishing and wanting only the useful excuse to raise taxes...not to solve problems.

Czar Vladimir (Putin leads Russia back to authoritarianism)

Czar Vladimir has ushered in reversals of Russia's 1990's democratic reforms. The (New) Czar of Russia has worked to nationalize the oil industry and placed severe restrictions upon non-government organizations. We are seeing the return of authoratarian rule in Russia.
Oil has been the main unit of recovery for those former soviets to regain power. In October of 2003, Oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkorshy was arrest and has been sent to Siberia, sound familar?

Local government got shot in the foot when in September 2004 Putin eliminated electins for regional governors, placing more central control back into affect.

In November that same year, Putin worked to get a pro Russian elected in Ukraine and today we can see the net effect of Ukraine rejecting mother Russia. Putin had cut off natural gas through the pipeline jeapardizing millions who relied upon this supply for heat in the Ukraine. Power politics of the worst kind being demonstrated by Putin from Mother Russia.

The following month Putin partially nationalized the Yukos Oil Company.

This past fall of 2005, Putin ushered in his first restrictions on NGO's.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

K Street Republicans must go

RWR and we conservatives have long held for less government not more, principles over convenience and less taxes over socialism. Today, the GOP power base in the Congress has lowered taxes but increased the size and scope of government in the process of acquiring power.
The Abramoff scandal and the Delay issues only illustrate that politics can be ugly. Yet, we must expect better from our representatives and demand it!

Find a republican who has been bought and I will show you a man who is not deserving of our support. John Shadagg and Jeff Flake would serve us well if they proposed the end of EARMARKS on bills.

Earmarks have grown from 1439 in 1995, to 4326 in 2000, to 13998 in 2005. If this is the legacy the moderate GOP would like to have, they deserve the same fate as the corupt Democrats of the prior 40 years.

They would serve us well to overturn McCain-Feingold and allow for unlimited money and full immediate disclosure of contributions.

Principles before party and Country is our first interest!

BUCS DRAFT 2006 (Preview)

AS the BUCS lose to Washington, my mind moves to 2006 season and thus the 2006 Draft.
What are the needs?
Who are the players?
What will the BUCS do?

A rule is a rule except in English and the NFL

WAR is WAR despite what the unpatriotic left believes

you would have to believe that WAR is not at hand to believe half of what hte left says


Abramoff and his minions need to rot in jail with Congressman Cunningham. Yes, these folks who have spit on the Republican Revolution need to be fed to the wolves of the Democratic Party.
WE stand on principle.
We stand on rightousness.
We will not stand with these criminals!

Yet it should be lost in the shuffle that Gambling is behind the money here!

All I wanted for Christmas were sane liberals

I really wanted to see the Christmas season ushered in with good will to all men. To my shagrin I found only the Bah Humbug of liberalism.
From Murtha and the Defeatacrats with Dean and Kerry by his side to..
Risen and the NYTIMES hit piece on Bush and NSA story...that included Jay Rockefeller being proven a liar by saying his letter was kept is strict secercy when it was already disclosed by the Jan Harmon and the best back flip since Michele Kwan...
KERRY Campaign workers being tried on several counts of voter intimidation for slashing tires of GOP get out the vote vans.