Friday, February 24, 2006

Olympics-Ugly Americans

Like millions of Americans every four years I look forward to watching the Olympics and rooting for the great amature athletes who will partake in them. I have never supported the use of professional athletes and have take much pride in the fact that our amatures usually show very favorably against other nations pro's.

These Torino 2006 games have been very disappointing for me.
No not because we have not lived up to expectations, rather because of the attitudes and personalities of our(or atleast many) of our athletes.

Bode Miller leads the list of the 'usual suspects' but it does not end their...I wish it did.
Several of our younger, new sport, athletes used the opportunity to show off as it were and lost gold as a result---good for them.
Hendrick and his fued with another US Skater and then his cockiness which lost him the gold in the 10,000 was disgraceful.
The skating relay team and its fued was a mighty low point.

Our US hockey team only securing a tie with Latvia...yes latvia...about the size of NY CITY.

Our hopes have been dashed by attitudes which I can only describe as the poverty of affluance...don't get me wrong I was rooting for each and every one, but I am not surprised they lost...

what has been on display too much were the efforts of UGLY AMERICANs instead of hungry respectful and proud American's...let us hope our nezt foray into Olymipic endeavors will be a prideful one
God Bless the U...S...A!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Politics, Ports and Vetos

The approval by the Bush Administration to allow for the sale of 6 or 7 US Cargo Terminals on the eastern half of the US to a UAE owned company has sent tempers, politcs and Presidential power into overdrive.
Dubai Ports World a port managment company has come to terms with Peninsular and Oreiental Steam Navigation CO. to buy the rights to 6 or 7 ports in the US. The Bush Admin has, through the Committee on Foreign Investment, approved the deal to go through and allow the transfer of ownership. The CoFI is a body composed of 12 governmental agencies ranging from Treasury, Defense and Commerce to Homaland Security---they have given the thumbs up on the ownership transfer.
This deal will include up to 30% of the terminals at the 6 or 7 ports in question, not total control of these ports as implied in the MSM.
Possibly most importantly is the fact that this is a Managment contract not a security contract.

The Security of these ports remains and shall always remain the domain of the US COAST GUARD and HOMELAND SECURITY. Should any problems occur, they are to blame if security is non sufficient to meet the challanges ahead.

Yet, the Media, the Left and even many Republican's have found so-called religion in this matter. The Media and the Left are piping up claiming Security is at stake---yes all the while demanding we close Gitmo, pull out of Iraq and stop the NSA EAVESDROPPING---but this, selling a Managment Contract to the UAE and global business is where they draw the line. TYPICAL DEM AND LEFTIST HYPOCRISY

Yet not to be out done, many GOPers have feared the political backlash and flown the logic-coop. Lindsay Graham and others have shied away from logic to politics. This is disgraceful by the GOP and allowing an issue to show the ugly side of politics.

Yet, even President Bush is showing too much interest in this, threatening a veto if Congress challanges and tries to prevent the sale. President BUSH has fiddled while Washington has burned in excess spending, never vetoing a spending bill. Finding Religion now is an insult to true-blue conservatives. Spending his political capital on the UAE, no matter how strong of an ally they have been in the War on Terror is an insult to those of us who have faught for SS reform, Tax Cuts and Sound Fiscal Policy.

So there we have it, the DEMS and LEFT have played election politics to try to prove they are tough on Terrorism, but only when UNION jobs are at stack. The UNIONS fear the modernization of ports, which would lead to streamlined and more effecient methods of Port service, which translates potentially into fewer jobs---hence the newly found Patriotism by the likes for Moscow Hilliary and Red Ted Kennedy, Nancy the Tito Pelosi and the rest of the DEM crowd.

The GOP fears the political backlash and thus shows the courage of the cowardly lion in OZ. Forget the facts, forget that security is the role of the US GOV't and forget that we are the party of Business...oh and forget that it has already been vetted by those who should know best. The people we pay to monitor these very issues, not the politicians, but the bureacrats in D.C. who should be the vetters fo this did and have approved it.

The President is showing too much interest in this case, to his political embarrasment. Certainly the UAE has stepped up as the first nation to accept our added security requirements from overseas to monitor cargo, sure they were the first to step up in the Arab world to aid IRAQ training, our troop movements and assist us in the WAR on TERROR. Forget all the good they have done...focus just for a moment on the Presidents motive to aid the ally in hte region. Smart no, necessary yes! He should not have stacked so much credibility on it, nor should he have offered the threat of a veto...when he has never used it for more important issues.
He is losing his base for the over extension of his reach. He should fight for it, but only back channel wise, not from the pulpit of the Presidency.

Finally, if the UAE was intent on using our ports to attack us via the TERROR network they risk allignating themselves like no nation has ever done. Terrorists have many ways to access us, to go through a ligit company and weaken the very openings they do have by exposing a more difficult route is not only unwise but a waste of limited resources.

This deal is good for long term jobs and commerce which will be the medicine needed to inaculate muslims from turning to wahabism in the future...profits will win the war on will win the poort over.

Finally, always worry when the DEMS show support for the WAR on TERRORISM...they are like 3 day old fish and guests...they both stink!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hitler Apologists and laws against them

Austria and Germany have laws that criminalize Holocaust denial.
Yes, two liberal democracies have laws criminalizing thought!
Morally the Holocaust is one of the four worst actions taken in the 20th Century, along with the Stalin purges of the Soviet Union, the Pol Pot Cambodia attacks against educated people, and Maoist killings of everyone in China. Yet, can we reasonalby accept laws to criminalize idiot thought?

Though, certainly we cannot compare the two it does not dimmish the absurd reality that Austria and Germany are acting irrationally.

Criminalizing behavior doesn't prevent it, and jailing people for what they think instead of actions they take risks sympothies from non-supporters. Allowing David Irving to be martyred by his jailing is far worse then allowing his idiotic views to be debated in the sunshine. "Sunshine is its own disinfectant"!

An Emory University professor successfully debated and won a case agaisnt mr. Irving and allowing such debates to occur further to discredit his irrational thoughts.

Though they are not equivelent, they are both wrong...denying the reality of Holocaust and Jailing those who argue against the Holocaust are both tragedies!

Do not martyr and idiot, let his ideas whither from sunshine. A dead idea like a dead body reaks and rots...and so should David Irving and his ideas! Just don't jail we forget what allowed Hitler the time to write Mien Kampf? Jail!

Katrina's lesson lost on LIB's

President Bush has missed nearly every opportunity to shrink the size of government, thus allowing the left to characterize him as a 'big government conservative'. The President has expanded the federal role in nearly every area of our lives, and he missed the greatest opportunity to back out of that path with Hurrican Katrina.

Katrina demonstrated the most demonstable example of big governments ability to deliver point of service effeciently-they can't!

The lesson of Katrina is no matter how important the task or dire the circumstance, big government is the problem not the solution as Reagan said. While the idea of centralized control of the spokes of the federal wheel on Homeland Security is a wonderful idea and not all liberal in the security sense, it fails nearly everytime in the delivery attempt.

As conservatives have contended for decades, point of service is far more affective when done at a more local level. Local city, county or village deliver services better than State, and the State delivers usually better than the Federal Government.

What Katrina should show us, and does if you read the report, is that the Federal response was not better than the local and State response--which this time was bad on their levels as well.
Liberals should take notice that despite all the good intentions in the world, the response was woeful. Surely this is why the left and DEMS have focused upon the President and alleged racism rather than the inate inefficency of government--this despite the fact that it was a black mayor who ignored the buses and a Dem Governor who failed to respond and officially request assistance of NG troops.

Certainly this will not disuade the left and the DEMS from supporting additional large government ideas...and it appears not to dissuade BUSH from doing the same. The Prescription Drug Medicare dosage offered by this WH could help to limit the great benefits of leadership offered by Bush by posterity.

The failings of Big Government reside in the belief that somehow they know better and bureacracy can deliver timely. Reality is such that all need to come to realize the brillance of the 10th amendment...the power of the people.

Yet instead of understanding the lesson of Katrina-that big government is not the solution to community issues--the left believes that it is the boogie man King George that is the problem. Sadly, this is partially right, as long as George Bush believes that government can be efficent he too is offering some bad Ideas. President Bush should become the first President to scrap a bad Idea---Kill Prescription Drug benefits added to Medicare--Lessen the burdent of the Fed on Education and free us from burdensome Campaign Finance regs, Free us from Sarbanes Oxley, free us from a 2.77 Trillion budget!

Yet, again, LIBS can not see that big government is driving us to this cliff of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The cliff that these three alone are an albatross on the necks of the young!
Katrina showed that despite the best of intentions government is not the solution. People lived in New Orleans and lived in areas eventaully flooded because of tax payer dollars dolled out to allow them to live there...yes it was a government disaster but it took root long before Bush...Bush may have some bad 'big government conservative' tendencies but his offset of this by SS reform ideas make him a far better leader than any Dem...not to mention his vision filled leadership on Terrorism...the Constitutional role of government!
Dems and libs will never understand the failings of big G...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Abu Ghraib vs. Cartoons

Selective indignation and sensorship by US media.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Danish Cartoons and Journalistic Blasphamy.

Whatever you think of the Cartoons that have caused so much distruction by Islamists, the real problem is that the West still does not consider the fact we are at War with Islamofacists, radical Islam.
We can debate, and if you wish, like Clinton and the US STATE DEPT did condemn the printing of the cartoons, but that still misses the point.
Why is it O.K. for the US GOV'T to financially support anti-Christain art, yet find it offensive to print anti-Islamofacist cartoons that portray the dark side of reality?
The Virgin Mary with Dung or the Crucifix in Urine is O.K, right, but these cartoons are over the line. B.S.!!

The West is far too ignorant of the fact we are at War with Islamofacists and radical Islam.
Syria and Iran supported the sacking of foreign Embassy's including the Brittish Embassay-while no Brittish paper even printed the cartoons. In Turkey a Catholic Priest was killed---all in the name of Allah?!

IN IRAN a Woman and her niece were being RAPED by 3 men. The woman was able to stab one of the attackers and kill him...SHE IS BEING PUT TO DEATH!
Where is the outrage! WHERE IS THE MEDIA?

Where are the womens groups, NOW and the FEMINISTS regarding the sentence of Death of a women for killing her rapist? Where is the UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL?

The West is all too willing to support and promote anti Christain behavior and even finance it. That is fine but when you see all the indignation by those who promote the FREE PRESS at all turns in the US you have to cry foul.
CNN released a statement that they will not print the cartoons but will continue to report the story.
WHAT??? What is the story if not the cartoons and the response to them.

The very religion that claims they are peacful and says these cartoons are insensitive are the rioting lunatics who kill as a result!

Until the US people and the left acknowledge the existance of a WAR...we are a nation divided.

C.S. King circus

What should have been the celebration of a life well lived. A life that helped to change a nation became a political rally against civility.
Correta Scott King was a scorned women for many years...but over the last 35 years she was a martyr.
Yesterday, 2/7/2006, her body had to witness the discusting displays of Former President Carter, Rev. Lowery and several others who turned her funeral service into a MOVEON rally.
Carter is a small, failed man.
He is fully aware that this funeral will not be a celebration of a great life rather a finality of a doomed ugly american tragedy.
Rev. Lowery used the stage of honoring a great women to attack a great man. Using illogical arguments to attest that not finding something is tantemount to they not he an indictment on our educational system or an example of hatred in the Democrat Party?