Friday, June 24, 2005

My Party do or die

The Democrats have seemingly lost touch with reality over the last 5 years. The Democrats have slowly become the Party of 'No' or even worse yet, the Party of 'Do or Die" They no longer care about what is best for Americans. They no longer support policies or even discuss policies. The Democratic Party no longer serves the American peoples interests, they serve thier elected interests.
This is the only explanation for the lack of any interest by the Dems in protecting the American people from the the 'thievery' as Daniel Patrick Moynihan called the Social Security system.
Simply because of Politics does the Democratic party, nearly to a person, claim no problem exists to address. for 6 months variuos Republicans have circumnavigated the US with the President explaining the SS problems and asking the DEMS to step up to the podium with helpful ideas to explore...they have become the Ostrich party...ignoring the problems.
WHo does this cost...all of us!
$200 million a day!

Additionally, the Dems have complained about Iraq, offering no solutions or help
Complained about Abu Ghraib, ignoring the realities of the situation, blaiming the WH.
Complained about Gitmo again while ignoring the facts. Each detainee at GITMO has already received one hearing, releasing at least 13 from the facility in the process.
Complained about the economy, all the while it has been humming along from 6.3 to 5.1 percent unemployment.
5 liberal leaning justices have eviserated the Property Rights of all americans in the Kelo case. Putting Taxing and revenvue for Government above the rights of property owners.
People like Sen. Durbin castigating the Military, seemingly the only thing the DEMS truly stand for.

Ignoring the conduct of the UN during several important scandals and embarrasing conduct of the UN.

The Dems have largely ignored the issues related to protecting Americans from Terrorism, focusing more on efforts to blame BUSH rather than create ways to provide better security for US citizens.
Dems championed one issue in the last 4 years, that is requiring Airport security and screeners to be able to unionize rather than to allow for bidding from private companies that can be held accountable for actions. Union over security!

Dems have ignored the linkage of Iraq to a greater war on Terrorism, all the while ignoring the realities of the threats and violations possed by Iraq.

The DEMS have largely ignored the terror related issue of immigration and the totality of the costs of illegal immigration to this country. It was Repbulicans who chimmed against the Presidents amnesty offerings, not the Dems.

*Kelo Case on Emminent Domain
*Terrorism--Durbin, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo,
*Social Security
*The UN-Dufar, Oil for Food

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Bolton, and Presidential power

The Presidents choice to head our delegation at the United Nations is being held up by the Democrats in the Senate along with a few stragglers in the the GOP ranks, but why?
To the best anyone can tell, it is because he is a tough and unrelenting boss. Difficult and demanding!?
No it is not that he has previously missappropriated funds, leaked information to the press, rather it is they don't like him much. Forget the fact that the witnesses to his Senate prosecution have been clearly motivated by partisan politics, he still is not worthy of the job.
We should look, for a moment, at the job he is being nominated for. Ambassador to the UN. Hell, with the UN recent history they may well be right.
Yes, you read correctly.
WE may need someone who has a greater experience is impropriety. Someone with experience in nafarious actions. Like...Sen. Biden who has a history of plagerism. Maybe Sen. Kennedy who has a history of manslaugther, or Sen. Byrd who has a history of rabid discrimination and leadership in anti civil rights movements. Possibly a person who has a history of habitual disgraceful conduct with women like Sen. Dodd or a proven liar, self promoter, and self professed war criminal Sen. Kerry. We could also choose a Senator who has worked to cover up huge land deals, insider trading and and who has experience working on behalf of the United States Communist Party as Senator Clinton has done.

Or we can just vote to approve a gentleman who has been nominated 4 previous times without a nary of negative testimony in the past...Oh, well that would be Bolton.
How hypocritical it is for the Senate to suddenly find religion when they have approved this man four times before. It is very similar to the Justices who have come up several times before for Federal District and Appeals level seats and cleared easily but suddenly the Senate now finds objection to them. Either the Senators did not do thier job the first time or times with a particular nominee or they are not doing it now. The Malfeasence is not on behalf of Bolton or these justices it is by the Senate.
How can a body of hypocrits sit in judgement of a fine man and drag his name through the media simply for politics...well leave it to the Democrats in the Senate and some in the House to work to destroy a persons reprutation for political reasons.

The President has the right to nominate people he seeks to work with, though the Democrats have tried to prevent this.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Racism at the core

The Florida Supreme Court is currently hearing the Case on School Vouchers or as we call them in Florida--Opportunity Scholarships--the most appropriate name! This case revolves around the Blaine Laws that were set into motion as ways to prevent Government monies going to Catholic Schools, today trying to be used to prevent children, often poor and minority from gaining a better eduction in our floundering public school system.

Since their inception in the state of Florida, OS (opportunity scholarships) have shown remarkable results, particularly for those targeted, minorities.

During the time when White acheivement in 3rd grade level reading improved from 70 to 78 percent, Hispanics improved from 46 to 61 percent---dramatic! Blacks showed an even more impressive boost from 36% to 52% a 44% increase. Wow, that is amazing, unless your agaisnt the betterment of the minorities in question...hmm libs??

Graduation rates have shown an impressive increase too. Hispanics from 52% to 64% and Blacks from 48% to 57%, gains shown nowhere else in the country. It has been spurred by Florida's No Child Left Behind and the Opportunity Scholarship program.

The Institute for Justice via a FOI request has found that the schools have been motivated by and to improvement because of the Vouchers. Yes, These schools that were motivated to improve show they feared the economics of competition. In fact, the improvements are nearly only in the those under threat of the Voucher program. Schools who have preformed well, receiving a grade of A remained in the same category, as were those in the C category. Only those schools in the failing or threatened arena shown statistical improvement---exactly the intent of vouchers!

Yet, despite the overwhelming success' while targeting minorities and poor preforming schools and demonstrating that higher standards can improve education the naysayers remain unconvinced.
The gangs that ignore the success and the overwhelming improvements for these targets remain aligned against the betterment of the poor and minorities---is this not patently racist.

The ACLU, The NEA, The People for the American Way, and the other various leftist groups who proport to support the poor and minorites are the same ones standing in the way of improvement, are they afraid of success and the prospect to losing the only voting block they have left???? Racism at it worst!