Williams vs. Fasula
No, this is not the next big pay per view heavyweight fight. It is the latest example of bias in the Main Stream Media. This one involves the abuse of privledge by two journalists, but the MSM focus upon only one, the conservative one.
If you have had your head in the sand you may not have seen the uproar about Armstrong Williams , an opinion journalist, who was paid a huge amount (250K) to write, speak and opine favorably about the Bush Administrations Education policies. However, the story you would have to be dectective to find is the one related to Linda Fasula, an NBC UN Corespondent, who was paid 25K to write a favorable book about the UN. I am not sure who has the residual rights to the books profits, but i suspect she has them.
The issue is why is it news when an opinion journalist/commentator (Williams) has a favorable opinion on the Bush Administration but not when a News Journalist has one about a body and individual she is paid to cover?
Armstrong Williams has never hidden nor denied his affinity to the conservative policies advanced by the current Administration, however, Linda Fasula should have a different standard as a News Journalist for the body and people she covers.
I understand the standard set forth by Dan Rather is hard to ignore, but she should be better than a hack like Dan. I understand it is hard to impossible to ignore your real opinions and beliefs when covering news, but that is what is expected.
I am not sure what bothers me most, the hypocrisy of her duality as a News Journalist doing the PR for the UN or the fact the MSM ignores this story but acts so indignent when Armstrong Williams is doing a similar thing, but from the vantage point of an opinion commentator?
If you have had your head in the sand you may not have seen the uproar about Armstrong Williams , an opinion journalist, who was paid a huge amount (250K) to write, speak and opine favorably about the Bush Administrations Education policies. However, the story you would have to be dectective to find is the one related to Linda Fasula, an NBC UN Corespondent, who was paid 25K to write a favorable book about the UN. I am not sure who has the residual rights to the books profits, but i suspect she has them.
The issue is why is it news when an opinion journalist/commentator (Williams) has a favorable opinion on the Bush Administration but not when a News Journalist has one about a body and individual she is paid to cover?
Armstrong Williams has never hidden nor denied his affinity to the conservative policies advanced by the current Administration, however, Linda Fasula should have a different standard as a News Journalist for the body and people she covers.
I understand the standard set forth by Dan Rather is hard to ignore, but she should be better than a hack like Dan. I understand it is hard to impossible to ignore your real opinions and beliefs when covering news, but that is what is expected.
I am not sure what bothers me most, the hypocrisy of her duality as a News Journalist doing the PR for the UN or the fact the MSM ignores this story but acts so indignent when Armstrong Williams is doing a similar thing, but from the vantage point of an opinion commentator?