Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The traitors among us...

In the effort of prevent war or discredit the Bush Administration and US INTEL in the lead up to the Iraq War several parties took unprecedented action to fulfill their goals.

France, who liberals like to lay claim as an ally, according to testimony from Rocco Martino, was the creator and financier of the forged Niger documents. According to Martino, it was the French who paid for his services to peddle these documents to unwitting Foreign Intel services. The effort was an attempt to sting, first the Clinton then the Bush interest in invading Iraq.

France, also has their fingers all over the Aluminum Tubes that had more recently been discredited. Yet, we come to find out that the CIA was given certain assurances from French INTEL that the Tubes could in fact be used not just for missile casings but were certainly conditioned for Centrifuge enrichment of uranium.

The French connection effort to tell both President Bush and SoS Powell that they planned to support the UN resolution and then on the day of the vote they pull the rug from under Powell.

In all, France created false INTEL to discredit US INTEL, Lied to US INTEL and to both the US President and SoS Powell. All this in an effort to protect Saddam Hussein and Iraq.

The CIA having already verified the documents as forgeries decided to ask a former Clinton Administration political appointee, at the bequest of his wife, to go to Niger to investigate the already understood veracity of the documents. The CIA by any independent assessment was up to something, but what. Well, in hindsight it is rather clear that the effort, again, was to cast doubt upon the rational for war.
As the President stated in his now famous 16 words, "British Intelligence" has confirmed that Iraq sought enriched uranium from an African nation. Ironically, Joe Wilson helped to prove this fact rather than disprove it. His so-called investigation turned up corroboration that Iraq had indeed sought to purchase from Niger, in particular, enriched uranium as recently as 1999.

The CIA allowed Joe Wilson to write about his Niger trip, never asking him to sign a confidentiality agreement...highly unusual, so much in fact no one can find another example of such an incident.

In fact, the CIA usually needs to be sued by a former agent to get a book published in the time frame requested by the author. Yet, in a historical first, the agency allowed an existing agent to publish a book in record time while still on the payroll...one claiming Administration missteps.

The fact is, that the Agency has been trying to distance itself from political heat from the left, so much so that it has been helpful in a plot to discredit the Administration.

The CIA is showing signs of an out of control bureaucracy. Then Director Tenet tells the President that a "Slam Dunk" case existed with regards to WMD's inside Iraq. All the while, underlings in the Agency began a campaign to weaken the case for war.

The political class of the Democratic party in the House and Senate have orchestrated a campaign of lies, distortions and amnesia. Senators and Congressmen on the INTEL committees who have access to the very same INTEL have grown forgetful of what they read a short three years ago when they all supported the Resolution to go to War.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller went even further and told Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, in 2002, that Bush planned to go to war against Saddam. This same Senator claimed to see INTEL supporting the belief that Iraq possessed both illicit Chemical, Biological and Nuclear weapons but also programs for production and development. This Senator voted for the Resolution, but today claims he was lied to by the President.

Despite two Administrations having seen the evidence and making public claims pronouncing the illegal efforts by Iraq and offering Congressional Resolutions against the nation of Iraq, the left has began a campaign of amnesia.

All Clinton National Security officials are on record of belief and support of an effort to remove Saddam Hussein because of weapons and programs of Mass Destruction, yet today they play politics while a nation is at War.

The Democrats have decided it is more important to weaken the War effort for politics at home than to support the troops and the cause they voted for 3 years ago.

David Kay and Mr. Duefler(sp) both site example after example of compartmentalized programs of research and planning for the creation of WMD's. Two Senate investigations have shown similar results, yet the Left would rather play politics of distortion than politics of unification of effort.

the MEDIA has trumpeted the case on behalf of the Democrats rather than to focus upon the truth. The MEDIA (MSM) has steadfastly avoided providing the American people the extent at which France went to undermine our efforts. The extent France went to supply Saddam Hussein with war materials in violation of the 17 prior UN Resolutions. The MSM
has routinely avoided providing listings of munitions, weaponry and other illicit materials found inside Iraq, certainly procured from RUSSIA, FRANCE, CHINA and NORTH KOREA which in and of itself would lay claim to nearly universal violations by many nations of the UN Resolutions.

Additionally, the MSM has repeatedly refused to show the elements of government reports that show WMD programs, research, and development sited by Duefler. The MSM is guilty of Cherry Picking information to discredit rather than to support the war in Iraq.

The vastly important addendum to the Duefler report that lays claim that (he) cannot rule out WMD's being moved to Syria.

The MSM has avoided at all costs the findings we have made with regard to WMD's including...
*1.77 tons of Enriched Uranium
*1500 gallons of Chem. Agents suitable for WMD's
*17 shells with Cyclosarin purchased by a Pol Gen avoiding their passage into the black market
*1000 powdered Chem. materials suitable for usage in dirty bombs and Chem. Weapons.

The MSM has avoided at all costs the litany of contacts pre 2003 between agents of the Iraqi regime and Terrorist organizations. Books have been written sitting the too numerous to list accountings of known meetings. Yet the MSM cannot devote one article to this mountain of information.

Finally, the efforts by the left in the US, coupled by the Government of France, the CIA and the Mainstream Media have shown an exceptionally large deceitful undertaking.
Certainly the CIA is not an anti Administration agency, however elements within are territorial and protective and have agendas wholly different than that of the Bush Administration.
At the very minimum, the CIA, Sen. Rockefeller and the actions of France need to be investigated and disclosed via the duplicitous MSM to the people of this nation. Yet, that is like asking Barry Bonds to act as the spokes person against Steroid use in Baseball...it ain't going to happen.

Monday, November 14, 2005

AQ attack on Jordan shows weakness of cause

the recent attacks in Amman Jordan show the overall weakness of AQ. They have begun to feed upon thier own. This attack could be atributed to the success in Iraq and the impact of having to deal with 100 plus thousand US and ally soldiers in close proximity in the region.

The ratcheting up of the liberal rhetoric could also show the desperation by boht AQ and thier allies in the States.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Random Thoughts...France, Liberals, Bush and Iraq

It would seem that the difficulties France is experiencing with the muslim population would lay to rest the American liberal idol worship that has gone on since 2002.
The United States has been the benchmark for all nations when it comes to immigration. We are a nation built upon the boat. Yet the true history of our nation is all too often forgotten by the left, particularly when it comes to celebrating the liberal institutions of Europe and Socialism specifically.

The Anti War left and the American Liberal base has clammored about why we are not more like our leftist friends in France and Germany. Well, the ills of socialism and elitism have shown the face of greed and disenfranchisment of the lower classes in France in particular.


Bush declared war on Terrorism and this week we celebrate 50 months since the last Terror attacks upon our shores.


Iraq thumbed its nose at the world community and the left today would have been happy to let that continue. Allow a bully to bully, and he will not stop. This expression is as true as...give people Freedom and they will prosper!


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Windfall Profits

A bad idea resurfaces…

Senators Byron Dorgan and others, including Hillary Clinton, have begun the effort to resurrect the failed policy of ‘Windfall Profits Tax’ from the ash heap of history. Much of our problems today related to limited supply of gasoline, after the mess left in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, could be traced back to the failed idea of the Carter Administration of ‘Windfall Profits Tax’. The media and political assault upon ‘Big Oil’ stems from the perception that, for example, Exxon/Mobil’s 9.9 billion dollar third quarter profit is gross and proof of gouging by the Oil Company. Put into perspective you might begin to agree that gouging is indeed going on, but blame may rest elsewhere.

In the case of Exxon/Mobil it is important to see the whole picture before we call for a 50% tax on what the government sees as excessive profits. Most important to understand, in this instance, is that the 9.9 billion in profits only represent 9.9% of revenue for Exxon/Mobil.

First, consider that the 9.9 billion in 3rd quarter profits will already be taxed at 35%. We the people in the form of the government are already getting 35% of the profits from Exxon/Mobil. Government already gets a healthy portion of the profits from ‘Big Oil’(more than 3 billion).

Second, possibly the most interesting and telling fact is that we, in our roll as the Tax Man, get on average 46 cents on every gallon sold while ‘Big Oil’ only gets 10 cents. Not only does government get on average more than 4 times as much, in taxes, as ‘Big Oil’ gets in profits, but the government assumes no risk.

State and Federal Government is the entity that makes the most off of a gallon of gas, yet it is government who is trying to ask for more…and who is the greedy one?

Thirdly, when President Carter pushed for and passed the ‘Windfall Profit Tax’ it had the net affect of creating more dependence on foreign oil than less. Domestic production declined by 1.5 million barrels a day. When companies have less to spend on exploration, they buy more from overseas suppliers at a lower cost. Ultimately, the last phase of WPT resulted in greater dependence upon foreign suppliers and less domestic production, exactly the opposite of what most of us want from the industry.

Those in favor of the WPT will argue that any profits put back into exploration or refineries, conveniently forget they are the same folks limiting the exploration and refinery investments via environmental laws and such. What ‘Big Oil’ has to keep in mind is return on investment (ROI), but the more favorable solutions to exploration and new refineries are politically unacceptable to those proposing a ‘Windfall Profits Tax’.

Finally, if you are upset about the gross profits of ‘Big Oil’ you should be more than 4 times as angry about the gross profits gained by Government on each gallon of gasoline sold. Congress, both Republican and Democrat alike, recently passed the Transportation Bill that has more ‘pork’ than a Jimmy Dean factory. The truly greedy are those who spend our tax dollars, they can never do with less!