Friday, February 29, 2008

Baseball---how to save the game

Baseball has suffered under the leadership of Bud Selig, despite the gross revenues of the sport.

From the strike in 93, to the use of steroids and other performance enhancers, to inequities in salaries the sport has continued to lose the favor with the growing population of Americans. Yes, they have experienced great increases in revenue and profits, but they have lost a great many more that they could have had otherwise.

But how to fix it...

First, Baseball should accept the role Management played in the quite endorsement of Cheating by the players, under the willing but delightfully blissful eyes of the owners...So to fix it, the Owners should finance a campaign, a 15 year campaign to enter High Schools and little leagues all over the nation to explain the consequences of using performace enhancing drugs of all kinds. Fund this program for a generation of children to ensure the double message, of realativism is not allowed to subsist in baseball at any level.

Second, re-align the division inside each league based upon the payroll average of the last few years. We can assign the two previous years or a rolling average. The goal would be to allow clubs to keep all profits, no more profit sharing, but in liu of this...these clubs would have to compete on more equitably apportioned playing field.
The Yanks, Red Sox and other first market teams would allign the top division while the likes of the Royals and Rays would populate the more modestly spending teams. Likewise the the two leagues would then be split along a balance that spending no longer becomes the path to the playoffs, and it allows for fans everywhere to begin the next season with a reasonable expectation that the season is not lost before it even begins.

Finally, the players who have chosen to take products to enduce enhancement of performance that is not would suffer from the all important Astrick...***. Major League Baseball should include the * for all records accumulated from 1992 through 2006. By qualifying these years the players will see the product of their efforts not totally excluded just qualified.
Ulitmately, mabe the players would be enduced to police themselves for the sake of the records they seek to make over there careers.
By pointing out that records during this era cannot be fully from scrutiny we must therefore qualify the era as the performance enhanced era...allow them to enter the Hall of Fame, but under the same umbrella.
This tainted image will be left for all to see in the future but not exclude them from what they may have truly acheived without outside help. It will leave the mark without tarnishing the record allocation in the books.
Future players may be served by discourageing and not condoning the actions of teammates for the sake of personal glory, for the risk of the game.

I propsoe these three elements and reforms to be added to preserve and protect the game I loved as a child. realativism has not only creaped into our lives in school, work, family but also sports., and I propose we slam that door shut!

Obama rising--Symbolism over Substance

The meteoric rise of Obama has coincided with the realities found inside the Democratic Party today. People all over the nation are beginning to realize they do not want the Clinton's in the White House. The hangover of the Clinton years is have a heavy price and it is being seen by the heavy rush towards Obama. He represents the anti-Clinton vote as much as the willingness to accept his candidacy. This is not to say his message is not exciting and grabbing his audiences, rather it is to say that it has more to do with the Symbol of his campaign-CHANGE over the Substance of the Hillary campaign.

The SYMBOLISM of the Barrack Obama is of an exciting, young, enthusiastic well spoken man, who plays upon the LIBERAL and HUMANISTIC willingness to qualify the hope of us all to move past the racism of our past. Liberals in particular want to be able to say I voted for a Black Man for President irrespective of whether he is the best candidate. Obama, however, has shown to be a very good candidate, but one yet to be challenged due to his blackness.

The historic moment we are experiencing is also replete with problems. One of which is that we are seeing a FEAR in the media to really scrutinize his record thus far. The KIT gloves approach has allowed for him to be protected, and the attacks from the Clinton machine has appeared to be and depicted as smears.

The Media has left him alone, allowing for him to rise unabated. But Why?

Because they love to see there principles attained through a candidate they like, and Barrack is everything the liberal media likes, he fulfills there best hopes for America. Hence their reluctance to scrutinize his campaign and past. The media loves the SYMBOLISM of what Barrack represents to them and liberal America.

Whereas, Hillary embodies the sparks that ignited the Republican Revolution and the Bush years. She and her husband embody the SUBSTANCE of the corruption and the decline of ethics in the recent past. The things that most Americans hate about Washington is what the Clinton's are.

The SUBSTANCE of corruption in D.C. is what Americans want to distance themselves from, all the infighting and investigations that pepper the last decade and half. This is the Clintons, and people are tired of it everywhere.

So the Symbolism of Liberalism as it is found in Barrack Obama is winning the day against the Substance of the Clinton years...and people everywhere are accepting it. The willingness to see all roses and candy in the light of Obama's eyes is blinding the media and democrats, if it is necessary to separate the two, and propelling him to the pinnacle of politics.

All this Messianic anointing of Obama as the cure for all the ills of our past has allowed him to move through this usual gauntlet without the slightest of bruises. Obama has enjoyed the easiest run for President in any one's memory, all because he is a black man.

I ask what has Barrack accomplished in his 46 years? It is not his impressive list of accomplishments that have vaulted him to the center of the political universe, because they are neither impressive nor extra ordinary but rather because he is the embodiment of the what Liberals hold dear--Symbolism over Substance.

So this primary has become a case of Symbolism over Substance