Thursday, October 28, 2004

McCain/Fiengold and the 527

Is it just me or have i just missed all the hubbub about the failure of McCain Feingold to keep soft money out of politics. Long before it ever became law the DEMS were planning how to beat the new system that was not yet in place.
Today, I see the media talking about much, but not the big, bad soft money mainly coming from the left. Add after add, attacking BUSH with lies, distortions and falsehoods come at us each night in FL. In fact, coordination is prohibitted yet the only effort to confront any possible effort by a party and the 527's came when Ginsburg the GOP attorny had to resign.
This despite the clear monitary balancing act between resources and application being done by the LEFT leaning 527's and the DNC. They DNC has spent heavily in some states while leaving others for the 527's, but they are not working together.
The media is asleep at the switch except in the case of the Swift crew. Go figure the media showing favoritism to Kerry and the DNC--shocking!
Not even hte media pet John McCain has been bemoaning this on the talk shows who love to have him on, if only he would ask to talk about hte subject.
let us see what is more democratic in principal the GOP belief that you should be allowed to donate as much as you would wish to a candidate or cause, or the McCain/Feingold, DNC and KERRY plan to allow individuals and groups to hide behind the banner of a 527 and still put in as much as you'd like? Hmm. Tough one isn't it, but remember Terry McAuffle tells me he adn hte DNC along with KERRY are for the little people....

The REAL story behind the WAR in IRAQ

It would seem that we on the RIGHT were in fact correct, and SH, IRAQ had been a huge "gathering threat", as the Administration claimed. In the WASHTIMES story linked below, evidence is becoming more adn more clear that IRAQ used the OIL FOR FOOD program to buy wepaons, both legal and illegal from RUSSIA and FRANCE. Through this ilegal skimming scheme they also used RUSSIA to transfer illicit arms to Syria and other places.
The Duelfer report also shows the intent of IRAQ to develope TERROR weapons far more diabolical than we had reason to believe they were working on. In fact, the development would include ONLY usage for TERROR purposes and not defensive.
Additionally, the Gertz peice also displays journalism in stark contrast than that displayed at the NYTIMEs or CBS,ABC,CNN or the USTODAY. Clearly journalism still has a home and it is found at the TIMES who actually still likes to print researched stories rather than HIT pieces agaisnt the ADMINISTRATION.
the GERTZ story goes on to demonstrate that ARMS, MUNITIONS and countless other materials were likely farreted out of IRAQ in the days before the WAR
The Coaliton of the Willing has been thwarted at every turn by the backstabing Coalition of the BRIBED and OPPORTUNISTIC. Russia, France and possibly other nations have stood by as the debate in the US reeled about the merits of this WAR. These nations that JOHN KERRY holds in such HIGH esteem have stood in the way of progress while American Soldiers and Good IRAQI citizens have been killed with the munitions they illegally distributed to the tyrant SH. These nations who have stood against us in the function of this effort to control the spread of TERROR, and they have been all too willing to stop NATO usage and broader UN support. All this during a time for months and months that KERRY has claimed the BUSH team had been negligent in an effort to gather additional support from allies (KERRY code for France, Germany and Russia), these nations had conspired against us in the War effort because they were being bribed, yet KERRY still complains of a lack of a coalition. Better to call the Coalition, of the un-bribed.
Finally, the fact that the mainstream media has been so bold in their collective bias and has continued to report a non-story while ignoring all the KERRY stories is evidence enough of a divide in this nation. They have continued to overthrow the government by inuendo, distortion and lies. This week a study concluded that Kery has had disproportionate positive press while Bush has received an inverse amount of bad press----just the facts ma'am

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


IF you, the media or the left would take the time to read the Duelfer report it would/should become clear to all who care, that WAR IN IRAQ was more important than even the administration claimed. That the "gathering threat" presented by Iraq as the Administration put it was in fact an "imminent" as the media, left and Anti-Bush crowd have claimed (now follow this) the Administration claimed Iraq to be. (whew!)
The Duelfer report claims that the development of weaponizing Biotoxins, and other WMD's for use via practices being developed in the clandestine labs inside IRAQ to distribute the weaponized material from purfume spray and other arisol cans.
The threat is most interesting since unlike the ellusive caches of WMB stockpiles that either existed or did not, which had dual use potential of both offensive and defensive use. The usage of weaponized gases for use in small spray cans etc. have only one usage--TERROR.
Yet the left insists to this day not IRAQ connection to TERROR or TERRORISM

Thank you President BUSH For your leadership

The attempted Coup de` tat by the media...

Interesting, the story that sailed a million reporters boats began with just an accusation by the IAEA and the pair of the New York Times and CBS. Seven reporters supposedly worked on the story before it appeared Monday in the TIMES, the only thing missing were the facts.
Three days later it is becoming more and more clear, that 38 truck loads of high explosives did not get looted but were moved by Saddam Hussein himself. Yet this is still unclear, but the evidence does suggest this...


What is very interesting is the fact that the subsequent stories are the ones full of facts and details. SO did NYTIMES just rush the story to place a HIT on BUSH?
Of Course they did, and CBS planned the HIT on 60 MINUTES for hte 31st.
All indications are that the explosives should not have been tagged by teh UN rather they should have been destroyed by them (AL Barradi and BLix et. al). What is amazing is that these important weapons are more important to the left and the media after the war than they were before the war.

The media should due its research and due diligence before a story goes to press not after...this has been an attempt to influence the election--clearly!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Why WAR in IRAQ was justified?

The left, John Kerry and those unable to read for themselves might ask the question, "Why Iraq and Why now (April 2003,why was the War necessary?
First, Saddam Hussein harbored Terrorists in his nation, giving santuary. Abu Abbas, Abul Nidal and Al-Zarqawi (Al Qaeda) were all given sanctuary in Iraq. At the very least he was harboring Terrorists.
Second, with his experience in WMD's it became obvious that it was only a matter of time before he offered WMD's to these terrorists, if he had not already done so.

Yet, what is most important and as such made the case for War most immenient is the findings we see, read in the Duelfer report. If you took the time to read it for yourself and did not rely on the Mainstream media, you might have learned the dire need to stop Iraq now!
In the report, Duelfer reports the intentions of SH to weaponize nitrogen mustard gas in grenades able to be fired from rifles. SH intentions to bottle Sarin Gas, Sulfur Mustard in perfume bottles for ease of transport and difficulty in disclosing and discovering the weapons. The use of Perfume sprayers, medicine bottles and inhalers, to ship over boarders.
IT was not mass production that should have been the focus of the Media in the report highlights, rather it should have been the clandestine laboratories that were being run by the IIS (Iraqi Intel Services). They were charged with the research to create weaponized devises to transport WMD's over boarders, presumably the US and Europe. The small scale research in Bio weapons of Ricin, Sarin, Mustard(Sulfur, Nitrogen) were the products that would be available to the Terror networks too easily hidden, transported, and kept too far from sourcing back to IRAQ.
Was War necessary and Was it needed in March/April 2003? Well considering the Duelfer report along with the 3 plus months Iraq had to prepare to move other research and caches of weapons, we should not have given them any warning. I would make the claim we did ourselves and the world a diservice by waiting and hoping for theri approval to do the right thing. Giving the "Oil for Food" program and the real coalition of the Bribed to create the environment to lift sanctions we waited too long!

IF we can criticize the Bush Administration for anything in this effort, it should be Why did we give them such a head start?

NYTIMES, CBS NEWS and 60 Minutes attempted Coup de` tat

It is apparent today that the NYTIMES, CBS NEWS and 60 Minutes have been attempting what amounts to a journalistic Coup de` Tat. In the almost rediculous effort to pass along old and even false information off as NEWS nearly 18 months after the actual event is more likely an effort to affect the results of the NOV 2 election, similar to what simpithetic elements did in Spain for Al Qaeda.
60 Minutes and CBS news in their second attempt to pass a bogus story along was assisted in this attempted political assisignation by the NYTIMES rush to scoup a factual false story. Not only is the story misleading and wrong in its delivery, it is also a too clear effort to affect the election. This brings to mind a bulletless cout de` tat effort by mainstream media.
It has been said that the pen is mighter than the sword, and these mainstream (liberal) media oulets are trying to prove the proverb. The evidence is clear ( and the facts are strong in support of the fact that these outlets have lost all journalistic nuetrality. Coupled with the ABC memo which offer up the rationale that BUSH is worse than Kerry so we should be extra tough on him, and passing this off as fair.
What these media units fail to demostrate is the effort made by many of them to resurect the Kerry primary campaign in a December meeting with major media folks to dicuss strategy to get Kerry the nomination---bias has been the third leg of the Kerry campaign. Kerry Campaign direct funding, 527's in indirect funding and the third leg is major mainstream media.
If anyone doudts the bias demonstrated, they need to take the halloween ostrich costume off, it is not the 31st yet.
Major News is a disgrace and an arm of the Democratic Party. This explains why Dan Rather was the keynote to the Travis County Democratic fundraiser several years ago--FYI it was this county in which the Forged Doc's originated in--coincedence, i think not!

Anti War activist or Traitor

John Kerry was involved with the VVAW as well as one of the leaders of this group. On one confirmed occasion and a second possible occasion (see FBI), John Kerry met with delegations in Paris from both North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. Both of the meetings and certainly the confirmed meeting (admitted to by Kerry) coorespond with the period Lt Kerry was still in the Reserves. This would make it also a violation of UCMJ as well as a violation of of the US CONSTITUTION to meet in an effort of diplomacy with a nation we are at war with.
Of Course, Kerry would argue he made no attempts to negotiate with the two foreign entities. However, according to doc's from archieves, it appears he did work in concert overtly and/or covertly with this groups (see
I could not dou this article justice by offering up tidbits, it must be read in it's entirity
John Kerry, just this week, had his portrait removed from a museum that memoralized the victory over the US in Hanoi.
This man not only does not deserve to be president, he does not deserve to be in the United States Senate.

NYTIMES proven to be biased again!!

As sickening as yesterdays NYTIMES article was, the worst thing of all was the blatant effort to offer an old, misleading and specific attempt to sway public opinion was tried by a major NEWS SOURCE...shocking!
The attempt to pass this story off is discusting, but in the long tradition of major media like CBS News and 60 minutes, ABC NEWS, etc.

XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX MON OCT 25 2004 22:45:05 ET XXXXX NBCNEWS: CACHE OF EXPLOSIVES VANISHED FROM SITE IN IRAQ BEFORE TROOPS ARRIVED...The NYTIMES urgently reported on Monday in an apprent October Surprise: The Iraqi interim government and the U.N. nuclear agency have warned the United States that nearly 380 tons of powerful conventional explosives are now missing from one of Iraq's most sensitive former military installations.[The source behind the NYT story first went to CBSNEWS' 60 MINUTES last Wednesday, but the beleaguered network wasn't able to get the piece on the air as fast as the newspaper could print. Executive producer Jeff Fager hoped to break the story during a high-impact election eve broadcast of 60 MINS on October 31.] Jumping on the TIMES exclusive, Dem presidential candidate John Kerry blasted the Bush administration for its failure to "guard those stockpiles.""This is one of the great blunders of Iraq, one of the great blunders of this administration," Kerry said. In an election week rush:**ABCNEWS Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 4 Times**CBSNEWS Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 7 Times**MSNBC Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 37 Times**CNN Mentioned The Iraq Explosives Depot At Least 50 TimesBut tonight, NBCNEWS reported: The 380 tons of powerful conventional explosives were already missing back in April 10, 2003 -- when U.S. troops arrived at the installation south of Baghdad! An NBCNEWS crew embedded with troops moved in to secure the Al-Qaqaa weapons facility on April 10, 2003, one day after the liberation of Iraq. According to NBCNEWS, the HMX and RDX explosives were already missing when the American troops arrived. "The U.S. Army was at the site one day after the liberation and the weapons were already gone," a top Republican blasted from Washington late Monday. The International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors last saw the explosives in January 2003 when they took an inventory and placed fresh seals on the bunkers. Dem vp hopeful John Edwards blasted Bush for not securing the explosives: "It is reckless and irresponsible to fail to protect and safeguard one of the largest weapons sites in the country. And by either ignoring these mistakes or being clueless about them, George Bush has failed. He has failed as our commander in chief; he has failed as president." A senior Bush official e-mailed DRUDGE late Monday: "Let me get this straight, are Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards now saying we did not go into Iraq soon enough? We should have invaded and liberated Iraq sooner?" Top Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart fired back Monday night: "In a shameless attempt to cover up its failure to secure 380 tons of highly explosive material in Iraq, the White House is desperately flailing in an effort to escape blame. Instead of distorting John Kerry’s words, the Bush campaign is now falsely and deliberately twisting the reports of journalists. It is the latest pathetic excuse from an administration that never admits a mistake, no matter how disastrous."Why is the U.N. nuclear agency suddenly warning now that insurgents in Iraq may have obtained nearly 400 tons of missing explosives -- in early 2003?NBCNEWS Jim Miklaszewski quoted one official: "Recent disagreements between the administration and the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency makes this announcement appear highly political." Developing...

Monday, October 25, 2004

The NYTIMES attempts to distribute a story that is 18 months old and missleading.

They do not tell you when situation occured, because it likely occured before the US entered IRAQ

"In Ohio, ACT sends out between 200 and 250 paid canvassers each day. They get paid between $8 and $10 an hour. Setzer reels off impressive numbers: We've knocked on 3.7 million doors in Ohio, had more than 1 million conversations. On Election Day, ACT will send out 12,000 volunteers, each paid a stipend of $75 for travel and expenses, to make sure voters get to the polls. ACT and the partner organizations that make up America Votes have registered about 300,000 new voters in Ohio, and they'll consider it a success to turn out just half of them. Those voters alone, though, wouldn't swing the election. Four years ago, Bush's margin of victory was nearly 180,000 votes. In all, Ohio has between 700,000 and 800,000 new voters for this election, though Setzer points out that some of that could just be churn from voters who moved." This from Hugh Hewitt.
Ever wonder how we survived during the days before McCain/Feingold? Why is the left wing mainstream (oximoron) not reporting this story to the hilt. It would seem that gross violations, far worse than ever invisioned
In case you did not realize, McCain the media darling is getting a free ride from screwing up our electoral process with the stupidest law on the books---denying political speach

It came down to the wire, but...

The NYTIMES endorsed Kerry!
IT was close right up until Krry won the nomination over Dean. Yet they only announced the results yesterday---cover-up? Hmm.

True Lies II, III...

Well it seems the Democratic nominee finds it very difficult to keep his stories straight from one decade to the next. Selective memory, ommisions, or lies? It really does no good to try to get into the corn field maize of his mind, one could go MIA. Here are two additional lies the Kerry Campaign and the Candidate has been tougting, telling and distorting about at the very least and lying about at the very worst.
It seems he did go to Paris twice despite the best efforts of the NYTIMES to claim otherwise and in doing so criticize the correct ascertion by the Swifties.

The Second occurance of diceit comes from the Senators claims he met with Security Council Nation representatives before the fatefull vote on Res 1441. All the news media needed to do for oh so many months of this lie was too ask---whew what a tough undercover sting job of reporting it was to uncover the truth when all you had to do was ask.

Security Council members deny meeting KerryBy Joel MowbraySPECIAL TO THE WASHINGTON TIMES
U.N. ambassadors from several nations are disputing assertions by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry that he met for hours with all members of the U.N. Security Council just a week before voting in October 2002 to authorize the use of force in Iraq. An investigation by The Washington Times reveals that while the candidate did talk for an unspecified period to at least a few members of the panel, no such meeting, as described by Mr. Kerry on a number of occasions over the past year, ever occurred. "

The left, Kerry and the Dems have claimed all along the President lied about WMD's, when the fact is SH may not have had the stockpiles (though that is still inconclussive), but did have certian intentions according to the Duelffer Report.

Friday, October 22, 2004


World War I was still raging when the Red Sox last won a world series! Senator BoToxx has commented that his favorite BoSox player was a person who never played for the team. Like Hillary and her rapid switch from a CUBS fan to the YANKS, Sen. Kerry went from knowing little about sports in general (see Lambert Field) to hunting less than two weeks from the election. Not that the Waffler had not been a hunter before, but getting his hunting liscene the day before is a bit silly.
I truly hope the Sox win the series! I predict in 6. With the pitching of Martinez, Schilling, Lowe and Wakefield, they should be able to tame the hot bats of St Louis. Defensively, The Cards have an edge and can make up for some weak pitching with some good glove work.
IF you have $5600 sitting around you can buy a pair of box seats at Fenway for the game!
These are the KEY FINDINGS you probably did not read about in your newspaper, hear from Brokaw, Rather, or Jennings, or see from the wire services. These are the KEY FINDINGS that actually support the need to eliminate the Saddam Hussein regime before he could bribe the Coalition of the Bribed to lift sactions, so he can re-constitute the programs of WMD.
Also, clear is the fact that the Coalition that Kerry and the Anti-Bush crowd would want was NEVER going to enter into our arrangement to remove Saddam for they were either on the take, had huge illegal contracts, or both. Below read the findings you should know about...

Key Findings
Saddam Husayn so dominated the Iraqi Regime that its strategic intent was his alone. He wanted to end
sanctions while preserving the capability to reconstitute his weapons of mass destruction (WMD) when
sanctions were lifted.
• Saddam totally dominated the Regime’s strategic decision making. He initiated most of the strategic
thinking upon which decisions were made, whether in matters of war and peace (such as invading Kuwait),
maintaining WMD as a national strategic goal, or on how Iraq was to position itself in the international community.
Loyal dissent was discouraged and constructive variations to the implementation of his wishes on
strategic issues were rare. Saddam was the Regime in a strategic sense and his intent became Iraq’s strategic
• Saddam’s primary goal from 1991 to 2003 was to have UN sanctions lifted, while maintaining the security
of the Regime. He sought to balance the need to cooperate with UN inspections—to gain support for lifting
sanctions—with his intention to preserve Iraq’s intellectual capital for WMD with a minimum of foreign
intrusiveness and loss of face. Indeed, this remained the goal to the end of the Regime, as the starting of any
WMD program, conspicuous or otherwise, risked undoing the progress achieved in eroding sanctions and
jeopardizing a political end to the embargo and international monitoring.
• The introduction of the Oil-For-Food program (OFF) in late 1996 was a key turning point for the Regime.
OFF rescued Baghdad’s economy from a terminal decline created by sanctions. The Regime quickly came
to see that OFF could be corrupted to acquire foreign exchange both to further undermine sanctions and to
provide the means to enhance dual-use infrastructure and potential WMD-related development.
• By 2000-2001, Saddam had managed to mitigate many of the effects of sanctions and undermine their
international support. Iraq was within striking distance of a de facto end to the sanctions regime, both in
terms of oil exports and the trade embargo, by the end of 1999.
Saddam wanted to recreate Iraq’s WMD capability—which was essentially destroyed in 1991—after sanctions
were removed and Iraq’s economy stabilized, but probably with a different mix of capabilities to that
which previously existed. Saddam aspired to develop a nuclear capability—in an incremental fashion,
irrespective of international pressure and the resulting economic risks—but he intended to focus on ballistic
missile and tactical chemical warfare (CW) capabilities.
• Iran was the pre-eminent motivator of this policy. All senior level Iraqi offi cials considered Iran to be Iraq’s
principal enemy in the region. The wish to balance Israel and acquire status and infl uence in the Arab world
were also considerations, but secondary.
• Iraq Survey Group (ISG) judges that events in the 1980s and early 1990s shaped Saddam’s belief in the
value of WMD. In Saddam’s view, WMD helped to save the Regime multiple times. He believed that during
the Iran-Iraq war chemical weapons had halted Iranian ground offensives and that ballistic missile attacks
on Tehran had broken its political will. Similarly, during Desert Storm, Saddam believed WMD had deterred
Coalition Forces from pressing their attack beyond the goal of freeing Kuwait. WMD had even played a role
in crushing the Shi’a revolt in the south following the 1991 cease-fi re.
• The former Regime had no formal written strategy or plan for the revival of WMD after sanctions. Neither
was there an identifi able group of WMD policy makers or planners separate from Saddam. Instead, his lieutenants
understood WMD revival was his goal from their long association with Saddam and his infrequent,
but fi rm, verbal comments and directions to them.

True Lies by Kerry...

John Kerry and his wireless puppet John Edwards have been streaking around the nation blaming Bush43 for the shortage of Flu shots for this season. As a proponent of a modified 'HillaryCare' this is obnoxious. It is because of Hillary and her husband (you may remember him) and the Vaccines for Children Program they created in 1994.
The VCP was pushed by the WH and pasted through the last Democratic Congress in 1994. It provided for the government to buy up most of the vaccines at fixed prices, below the market. Essentially, this program federalized the United States vaccine market, at relatively low prices fixing profits and costs for manufacturers. Since the program was inacted and because of later efforts to limit liability which was fought and defeated by the DEMS in Congress Manufacturers have fled the U.S.
The Price Controls on vaccines have done what price controls always do--limit supply! Though the name indicated 'Children', it in fact also includes many adult vaccines as well. These price controls and federally created limits on profit have for the fourth year in a row caused shortages in supply of vaccines.
This is exactly what liberals do not understand about economics. The maufacturers who had many facilities in the US have due to these limitations and litigation fears moved off shore. In fact it was a U. S. owned facility in England who was priviously in the US that had the British health authorities shut down the plant and order the distruction of the already made tainted supplies.
Yet it is Sen. Kerry who claims President Bush is pusing jobs overseas, while he should just look in the mirror. It is Sen. Kerry who has blamed the President for the shortage while it was Senator Kerry who helped stop the Presidents efforts to streamline the regulatory process on Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals.
Senator Kerry is again using SCARE tactics to try to win the White House. They have tried to scare seniors on Social Security, Vaccines, Medicare, and Prescription Drugs. Not only is the Senator desperate, he is lying to the American People.