Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Censoring GOD

Instead of giving thanks to the LORD as the pilgrims did, the left in the nation would rather censor GOD!

Yes, school districts all around the nation have forbid the use of 'God' or 'Jesus' in anything from student poems, to essays, to Thanksgiving pagents. Additionally, we do not even teach the Declaration of Independence or the true history of Thanksgiving due to the ACLU and leftists in the nation.

How have we come to the point in time when we can not respect the LORD, our founding fathers, our history or the truth as to what we are all about. It would do those well who reject the religious foundations of this nation to learn or re-learn our collective history. We can respect other beliefs, all religions and still hold to our judeo-christian beginnings.

READ the DOI, READ the PRE-AMBLE to the CONSTITTUTION, READ the writings of founders and you can not come to any other conclussion than that this nation was founded on the principals set forth in the teachings of Christ.

The purpose of the seperation (Church and State) was made clear (by our founding fathers)...not to establish a single religion. IT made no reference to 'not' acknowledge the diety or GOD or JESUS, or the ALMIGHTY. In fact, it would be impossible to ESTABLISH a single religion in this nation, particularly considering that their are more than 25000 denominations of Christianity. Lest you make the argument that Christianity is itself a single religion. However, do make that claim to many of those demoninations who reject other denominations.

This nation should head the words of Ronald Wilson Reagan who said refering to secularism vs non-secular---
"I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandment's would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress."

or RWR's words...
"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."

WE as a nation need to reject the efforts of our schools and those pushing them to remove the TRUTH of our history from our classrooms. We need to teach the TRUE history of our founding and the importance of the ALMIGHTY to give us natural rights.

This past presidential election stands as a skirmish for the direction of our nation. Will we demand that the truth be taught in our schools about such things like THANKSGIVING and our FOUNDING. Will we stand together and acknowledge our past and lay claim to our future?

Give thanks this week, this Thursday, this THANKSGIVING and ALWAYS for the blessings that have been granted us. Remember the words of our first PRESIDENT...

George Washington's 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted' for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have show kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3d dy of October, A.D. 1789.

(signed) G. Washington


Monday, November 22, 2004

Kerry no longer a good fellow

I offered ringing praise of Sen Kerry for his consession speach, but he know shows his flip flop side and returns to his roots of bitter politics. Thankfully, this man was stopped...

On Friday, Senator John Kerry sent an email to millions of his supporters
around the country stating, “Despite the words of cooperation and moderate- sounding promises, this administration is planning a right-wing assault on
values and ideals we hold most deeply.” A spokeswoman for Kerry’s campaign
said, “I think the nation has lived through four years of divisive policies
and politics, and the president has a lot to prove to the American people
that he wants to reach across party lines and do what's best for the

As with 2000, when Bush beat Gore it took less than a year for most americans to understand how good of choice it was to elect BUSH. It did not even take until the inaguaration for us to see his ugly side...Thankfully we elected the right man again.

Gore is a raving lunatic these days, Kerry is showing similar faces of ugliness.


UN either disolve or change

the UN is a mess bordering on irrelevence.
This week the UN insiders union voted a referendum on "No Confidence" for the Secretary General Anann.
This week it was disclosed that the IRAQ government bilked the world out of 21 plus billion instead of the ridiculously high number of 10 plus billion via the control of the UN.

The time has come to remove Anan at the very least.
The time has come to restructure the Security Council to reflect the World in 2004
The time may also have come to disband this organization in favor of one that works--if we do no do the first two items.

At the very least the UN must replace Anann and the hierarchy at the UN, indictments may also be needed to bring back credibility back, if at all possible. Anan needs to be indicted along with his cadre of associates who knowlingly allowed for teh diversion of "oil for food" bribes.

The UN use a French bank, BNP Paribus, to run the banking side of the program. Typicial of French history they buried their head in the sand and ignored the facts to avoid understanding the laundering of the money's. BNP at best is culpable of insider knowledge and allowing it to occur, and at worst, knee deep in the corruption of the "oil for food" program. It is not ironic nor accidental that the French bank was chosen by Annan to run the program. It is not an accident at all.

21 billion in coruption at the UN and through a French bank does not stand up to the sniff test, The time has come for changes...

at the very least, the Security Coucil needs to remove France and possibly a few more nations and replace the old school nations with the 21st century versions. Japan and Brazil to name a few. Indonesia needs consideration as well. the largest Muslim population in the world may deserve a seat at the SC table.

At a minimum, the SC needs restructuring to reflect the times. I would urge a pull out by the US for the largely US funded organization that practices anti-americanism. We can create a real judicious and representative body that is deliberative and democratic in nature.
The UN has been in violation of it's own charter for decades now. An INTERNATIONAL BODY that respects, truly respects, HUMAN RIGHTS and as such celebrates adherance to the tenets of the original UN charter of Free Nations, Liberty and Democracy needs to be established. IF the UN continues to put Libya and nations like the former IRAQ on chair of Disarmorment committees or HUMAN RIGHTS committees, the relevance is gone!

To re-establish itself, at the minimum, the UN needs to remove Annan and restructure the Security Council to reflect the reality of the 21st century. Their are 21 plus billion reasons to do so!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Delay should be de-done!!!

Tom Delay, part of the GOP revolution, is acting more like Lenin and Stalin post 1917. He was a big part of the 94 take-over of Congress from the corrupt rule of the DEMS.
The DEMS had corrupted the process in D.C.
Corruption in spending
Corruption in Banking
Corruption in Travel
Corruption in staffs/salaries
Corruption in rules
The Newt led and Delay helped Revolt succeeded in reforming the 40 decaying institution and established rightous and sound rules. That is until...

Tom Delay along with the complicite GOPers changed a rule put into limit the corruption in 94. The GOP implimented a rule that if a standing member of leadership in the house was to be indicted, he/she should lose the leadership position immediately, to prevent favored treatment.
This week, Delay and the GOP reversed the well thought rule they put in 10 years ago for the sake of Delay, who might be indicted this or next week.
Sure, you could argue that the potential indictment is politically driven by a partisan DA in Texas, all too willing to deal the legislator a blow, but it does not make his and the GOP effort to augment the rules any less wrong.

Tom Delay, whom i have met and like, should be ashammed of himself and the sponsors and supporters shoud as well. The GOP owns a significant majority in the house and will remain in power for some time to come.
This is all the more reason, NOT to change ethical rules in favor of any individual or party. We succeeded in gaining control because of the arrogance of hte DEMS in power for 40years, sadly it seems the GOP arrogance is simmering up in only 10years.

As a conservative, I am highly dissapointed by this measure to favor an individual, irrespective of whether it is to right a wrong, the issue is good or bad rules, not good or bad District Attorny's.

Shame on you Mr Delay...your image has already been hit many times over, you need to recessitate your image not bury it deeper


IRAN and the Nuke issues (NK too)

It is all too easy for the left in this country to say, "go make a deal" with the Iranians to thwart the development and enrichment of uranium for the purpose of NUKES. The left sites the Agreed Framework deal concocted by the Clinton Adm. to offer fuel for better behavior---the problem is that better behavior never came.
Sure they cliamed it did, yet they dealt from the bottom of the deck. Allowing for the perception and political cover for Clinton while developing more clandestine labs adn facilities.
As too IRAN intends the same game for Europe, the UN and the US.
Iran learned well from North Korea that they should agree to any plan that gives them what they wnat in exchange for agreeing to discontinue the NUKE program and enrichment of uranium and to divert the tasks to clandestine labs and facilities.

You will find that they never intend to discontinue what they really intend to enrich and develop weapons. As North Korea played upon the fair nature of LIBS and leftists to believe that they are good to their word, they simply use agreements to take the heat off. They allow for inspections of known facilities while the continue to develop behind closed doors.

The left insists that they KNOW how to deal with rogue nations and that rigid folks like BUSH only play cowboy and as a result risk lives. The political left gets played like a violin by rogue nations, by Kim il Sugn(sp, by IRAN and by the likes of ARAFAT. What has the left achieved in the process---NK is still a threat, PLO is still killing, IRAN will continue to produce what it likes while IRAQ is only a threat to Iraqis and US figure out who knows what they are doing.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Clinton lies and lies and lies again...

President Clinton makes such ludicrious claims it is sad. He is a strange human who may even believe the lies he tells.

CLinton Legacy....MEFIRSTERS

Clinton continues his long history of distorting facts. In the WASHTIMES piece linked to here...

the TIMES notes that both the Nixon and Reagan Library's show promeniently the bad as well as good of the administration. 'Watergate' and 'Iran/Contra' are displayed very significantly in the particulary library's

Clinton shows the same avoidence of reality today with his library than he did during the impeachment process. This man is a disgrace on too many levels to even mention. Sufice it to say, he difines a whole cadre of individuals who think of themselves first...Clinton is/was the President of the MEFIRSTERS.

Hail to the Hollywood Culture crowd.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hillary and 2006...2008

Hillary may see the 2004 election in a historical light, pushing her to run for Governor in 2006 instead of re-election as the junior Senator of New York. The last sitting Senator to win the Presidency was JFK (not KERRY), it is seldom done for clear reasons.
It is tough to run on a Legislative record that records opinions and votes on nearly every topic important in politics today and yesterday. Though Kerry tried to hide from his record( with help from the media) he was not able to do so entirely. Hillary understands that and as such may try to move to Albany in 2006

One problem looms...Rudy who also has interest in 2006 and again in 2008 for the WH.

Hillary is no fool and understands the road ahead. She has a huge war chest and a team of consultants already on the ground laying the rail. She only needs to decide where that rail needs to lead...Albany in 2006 or the Senate re=election in 2006 and the WH in 2008.
She has an enormous list of IOU's from every Senator and Congressperson of the DEM persuasion that she campaigned for in 2002 and 2004. She is already moderating her religious views and had already been pro-defense in appropriations during her short Senate career.

Smart money would say RUDY and HILL will meet in the gubernatorial race for New York state in 2006...though she may defy odds makers and remain in the Senate to avoid challenging the popular Mayor of America--RUDY.

You can bet the house that she will not make any decisions in 2006 until RUBY makes his...that is a lock!

Powell out, Condi bad politics for BUSH

Powell tried to be a good soldier for the President and did a good job in the manner, though it was usually too obvious when he used back channels to discredit the administration.
Powell served well in his post and served a more important role as the media darling in the administration. Powell was by most accounts the moderate member of the cabinet and the left liked having him there. Condi who is tapped to replace him, is far more qualified than Powell to serve in the capacity of Secretary of State, emminently more qualified, but she also believed to be more of a BUSH person than Powell was...

The problem with a selection of Condi as SoS is that it affords the DEMS an opportunity to bring back the 9/11 hearing and Iraq as issues during a time in which the President has a narrow opportunity to push a legislative agenda. Nominating Rice to replace Powell, though a good move for our nation, is a poor political one based upon the vetting that will go on the partisan side. The DEMS will use this moment to rehash the IRAQ, Abu Ghraib, Fullugah, 9/11 Hearings, INTEL Hearings, North Korea Policy and anything else they can muster to keep the Administration on the defensive while they should be focusing their energies on TAX REFORM, SS REFORM, TAX SIMPLICATION, TAX CUT PERMANENTCY, and other goals for the Second ADM.

Condi is a great choice that time has passed in this post. Condi could serve as SoS in action if not name. Appointing another pro-BUSH person to SoS and havign a team approach might serve us and BUSH better.

Sadly, RICE is and has trained for this role her whole life, sadly, due to Washington Politics it will smear her along the confirmation process and the attempt will include an effort to derail her from future electability and rising to higher levels---the left fears this lady more than the right fears Hillary.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Insider trading in the Kerry Campaign could doom Hillary in 08

What we on the right had suspected from the outset is now the mode conspiracy theory in Dem circles. We believed for some time that the network of Friends of Bill (FOB), had little to no interest in seeing Kerry win in 04.
Today, even more so than the Obermann BUSH stole 2004 OHIO, the Kerry-ites are now crying that Hill/Bill 2008 campaign started during the Kerry/Edwards 2004 run and sabatoged the effort in 2004.

What is most interesting is the in fighting will likely end like the duel between Hamilton and Burr in 1804, possilby killing both Kerry and Hillary 's chances in 2008. If the rank and file begin to believe the maniacle bent of Hillarys troops to inflitrate the Kerry campaign to derail the campaign then HILL may suffer as a result of the split in the party.

Already running, by her pro-religion talk of this last week, for 2008 and having a huge IOU list from congressional and senatorial fundraising she did, she could be too smart and crafty for her own good.

This along with the blistering defeat to BUSH could further fracture the donkey party, leaving in it's wake the room for a uniter to arise like...DEAN the anti-Kerry, anti-Clinton candidate from 2004.

With the blow up at CBS over forged doc's that were known to Clinton puppets inside the Kerry campaign( Lockhart) and the flip flopping advise from Bill himself the war of the roses may be in the works inside the DNC.

Terry McAuffle is a Clinton man, who could not stop from showing his face on every show that would have him showing his ugly side had the second most to lose if Kerry won...he likely would have been replaced by Kerry in favor of his own insider.

The other angle is Edwards himself, who is not a favorite of the Clintonista's and will show up again on radar in 2007. He needs an implossion inside the DNC to gain fractional support from the record 56 million who voted for second place.

The real news is not the internal sabatoge by the HILLARY plants like Carville and Lockhart, but the resulting fued that will occur because the rank and file will undoudtedly understand the mother of all this is Hillary, who sacrificed Kerry in 2004 for her own possibility in 2008.

Yet like Burr firing that fateful bullet, she has possibly ruined her own reputation (which already was suffering in middle america) potentially killing her and Bills likely rise to the top of the DEM field in 2008

Arafat, Terrorism and the UN

A Terrorist died this week, presumably his name is Arafat. Though he shrouded his real life from view or his pedigree, he was nonetheless a Terrorist on the grand scale.

Some of his (claimed) accomplishments are that he is the grandfather of hijacking planes for terrorist gain. So one could say he was the grandfather of 9/11 too. He is principally the inventor of using children as suicide bombers. The little secret is that Jordan, Syria, Saudia Arabia nor any other Arab/Middle East Nation wanted the palistinians in their own borders. They have used Arafat and his minions to conduct of war against Isreal while remaining out of it for more than two decades. Plausible deniability as it is called.

I would not nor should not surprise that the Oslo or the Barek offer during 2000 came and went without action by the PLO. I would not or should not shock anyone that Arafat took his marching orders NOT to sign the aggrement from the powers that be in the region, those that financially supported the billion dollar opperation known as the Palistinian Authority, or PLO.

When Isreal allowed him to return to the region from exile in TUNIS, it set in motion a decade long dialog that succeeded in acomplishing nothing.

Since the 47 UN resolution and hte Arab war against ISREAL in 48 the UN has worked it's magic to keep the fighting alive instead of stopping it. Currently the UN has shwn no gumption in defeating genocide anywhere in the world and has done too much to allow it. Against it's own CHARTER, the UN has not lived up to the mandate to support and foster self determination and liberty around the globe.

Sadly, allowing Arafat to speak at the UN in 74 or letting nations like Libya or IRAQ or IRAN into the membership violated its own purpose and CHARTER.

The UN can in my opinion be considered the biggest abettor to Terrorism around the globe.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

the FOG of liberalism's elites...

As Sen. Miller (D-GA) puts it Maureen Dowd should be called Maureen Loud, but her comments about ordinary americans reflects far more clearly upon her elitist distance from mainstream america than her nearness. She is a typical New York lib.

John Ashcroft has been maligned by the left for jsut being a good guy...he did not contenst the Constitutionally fraud election of Mrs. Carnahan, though he had the right to do so, but gentlemanly did not. He is the clay pigeon of the left

The left hates Christians and clearly feels superior, though they are exactly what Nixon warned about when he said, don't hate or you risk becoming what you hate.

Douglas Brinkley the formerly respected historian who had access to Kerry's diary but ignore entering into his book anything that might be percieved as bad for him as he stood for nomination for President. Brinkley did not mention that KERRY visited with TERRORISTs in Paris in 71/72. Brinkley did not deal with the records that may indicate a dishonorable discharge or the angst created by the Senate testimony

Hispanics voted at a 53 percent clip for BUSH....could it be a cultural and electoral swing or a disconnect with KERRY and liberal Northeast Elitism

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

RUSSIA and IRAQ...bad bedfellows

the coalition of those who believe we should have put together a 'better', 'big', more euro-centric coaliton to battle Saddam, might like to know that along with buying both France and Russia, SH also had enormous contracts with RUSSIA for various military technologies and weapons.
The coaltion of Denial, might like to kow the following...that RUSSIA was active in IRAQ providing both arms, supplies, defensive technologies and logistical support, so much so two RUSSIAN OFFICERS recieved awards from the IRAQIS. Read Gertz in the TIMES to get the story...linked below

Barone admitts bias and unfair coverage...

Michael Barone sums up the MSM, 2004: Bush "has been the target all year of vicious and biased coverage from old media, many if not most of whose personnel saw their job as removing this scourge from the presidency. The 60 Minutes story about Bush's Air National Guard service, which was based on obviously forged documents, is only the most egregious example. Old media have headlined violence in Iraq and reported almost nothing about positive developments there; they highlighted the charges of self-promoter Joseph Wilson and spoke nary a word when they were proved bogus; they have given good economic news far less positive coverage, studies show, than they did when Bill Clinton was in office." THIS POSTED ON HUGHHEWITT

Friday, November 05, 2004

MEDIA coup de tat attempt final 1

If you watched the election coverage during the campaign and the election night results you may have been shocked that CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN and MSNBC could not call the election for BUSH for more than 24 hours.
It seems that they can call certain states with no prolbem, but states that would affectively give the President the election is a task too difficult for them to stomach. In fact, the electoral vote hanging out their at 269 was the point of no return for them. They could not give that 270th elector because it would mean a loss for Kerry, they held onto hope. It seems the WOLFSON, MEHLMAN call at 12:41 WED a.m was enough to convince the networks not to call OHIO, NM, and NEV for BUSH, though they all were easily identifiable for BUSH. The spin is that the OHIO provissionable ballots could be enough to flip it to Kerry, yet this was statistically impossible and the margin of victory for BUSH in OHIO was larger than the KERRY victory in PA--they did not worry about rewarding PA to KERRY...go figure. Nor did the networks worry about the 12K votes differential for KERRY v BUSH in Wisconsin.
ALL in all it was an all to easy testiment to the bias, but they have nothing to lose at this point (the networks). Particularly considering they in several cases did not call it for BUSH even after Kerry conceded.

The media bias is so arrogant they no longer conseal it, they flaunt it. They are like rats trapped in a corner, they are bitting and scratching furriously. They are all too willing to call AMERICANS dumb, ill informed, or manipulated, they are all to willing to display the bias without concern for the truth. Celebrate Mike Moore and ignore the SWIFT VETS, Celebrate Springsteen, Soros and Sarandan, but ignore Schilling, Country Music and Ron Silver. They are all too willing to promote Clarke, Moore and O'Neill but all to willing to ignore "Oil For Food", Women voting in Afghanistan and John Kerry's real record.

Their is a cultural difference in this nation, it is not class, race or religion, it is Media Arrogance--they truly believe they need not be accountable to the viewers who do not want sex on at 8pm, or vulgar language on at 8pm, or overt bias in the news---the cultural gap is truth vs lies, SWIFT VETS vs MOORE!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Arrogance from the left

Read the Daily Mirror or any European media and you would/should conclude that it is not us, or the President as being arrogant rather it is the elitest left, socialist left from Eurpope that is arrogant.
YOu may be part of the 59 million "stupid" people, the fools who might have voted for BUSH. Yes, you might be one of the 59 million who supports less government, lower taxes, a better business environment, reform for Social Security, Armed Forces use in an effort to protect American from Terrorists instead of law inforcement. YOu too, might have been stupid enough to support a President who cares about the unborn child, the defenseless iraqi and afghan people, you to might be stupid enough not to support the UN who never supports the US.
It is you, MR. and Mrs. American who supported President BUSH over the bribed of Europe in an effort to help all threatened by Terrorism.
It is you who is not as smart as Bruce Springsteen, Soros or Moore, you are the fools who care about truth over distortions
Go back to your "stupid" lives and worry about your families and allow the smart Europeans to deal with important issues like 10.5% unemployment and the breakdown of the socialist system causing them to sign a Constitution that gives away their sovergnty.
We reaffirmed our dignity while they gave theirs away


Give Kerry credit!!

Give Senator Kerry credit for not taking the advice of his trusted aides and associates. Sen. Kerry, himself, did not want a protracted 36 day recount and contested election as most of his trusted inner circle wanted him to hold on to.
Sen. Kerry in a final thought, considered the needs of his country despite the partisan rants from Edwards, Sasso, Cahill and Lockhart. After a lifetime of standing up against his country in the eyes of those of us on the otherside of the political barracade, he has done his country a great service. HE was soundly defeated, make no bones about it. Yet he did show great class to do what was right whaen it was required.
I salute the man, a deed well done.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Attempted Coup de Tat's last ditch effort...

to use the EXIT POLLS to surpress turnout in OHIO, Panhandle FL, central, Mountain and west Time Zones failed.
The elite mainstream media showed their last desperate efforts of partisan bias in several ways on Tuesday.
First, they leaked the AP Exit Poll info which was decidely wrong. The media gleamed as they reported it giving themselves false hope. The effort to sway voters in OHIO and other states was clear. Fortunately, the GOP voters turned out in record numbers and bouyed by the MOVEON.ORG efforts, Rock the VOTE, and Hollywood elitism, they perservered.
Second, the mainstream media refused to give BUSH the wins in OHIO, NEVADA, NEW MEXICO and reluctantly made moves that way after Kerry has conceded.
The attempt to radically remove BUSH by all means avaliable by the media at NYTIMES, ABC, CBS, AP and others failed. It was nice to see Judy Woodruff and Dan Rather all upset over the desisive victory for BUSH.
As a pundit pointed out, the upper East Side media elites and the Washington beltway boys and girls know tons of homosexuals, but they do not know any evangelical Christains---hence their lack of understanding all the mess they created for Kerry over the MASS SUPREME COURT decision.
We no longer have a press that is at all interested in the STORY, rather(Rather) they are interesting in creating change( to their way of thinking). Never a story on the merit of the Swift boat vets motives or cause. Never a story on Kerry and the anti-war movement background as it pertains to Kerry and his REAL record.
Kerry himself admitted during a last ditch interview with Brokaw that how could anyone know his score on his Service Aptitude Test, it was private, yet he has always claimed all his military records are avalable online at his website---well I guess they were not, yet never an investigation by mainstream media?!
Never a review of his record by the media regarding his senate days?!
Never a review of his discharge, yet all the news they could find on BUSH's NG record?!
All in all the media has lost the ethic of journalism, it is sad, but thier ratings are beginning to see it in their ratings.

BUSH should thank Mass. Supreme Court...

It was the MASS SUPREME COURT that made same sex marriage an issue this election cycle. IF not for the over reaching of the MASS SUPREME court in trying to dictate law in MASS, most states would not have had it as a referendum.
Ohio is the key state in presidential victory and the turn out of christian conservatives can be directly linked to this measure. Bush may not have won this state nor would he have polled all the extra christian conersvative votes in 10 others states if not for MASS SUPREME COURT.
Whether you agree or not, the issue of the MASS SUPPREME COURT overstepping their constitutional athourity put other states on notice to create a law to deal with same sex marriage, something that had not been on their radar, to prevent their own SUPREME COURTS from doing the same to them. The precident created by MSC has effectively given President BUSH an underpinning of support they otherwise may not have gotten.
So BUSH can thank the liberal court in MASS for his national support in OHIO and other states, giving him a greater margin of victory than he otherwise would have had.


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

True lies III...DNC fake endorsements

Strom'n Norman did not endorse Kerry...hear the lies below..

DEM plans to create chaos in election is organized...

the DEMS have resorted to creating chaos to derail the election process, despite the consequences to our system and the faith of the american people. These people do not deserve to run gilligans this from the RNC and see if it is not the game plan of the DNC,

Kerry desperate in final hours, hence the law suits

Kerry's own pollster predicts a BUSH this explains the rise in expected lawsuits by the DEMS in OHIO, NEV, NM, FL, WIS, MN, PA and the Kerry pollster in his own words at the link

Monday, November 01, 2004

Mason Dixon has been the most hope floats

Hope floats along the Mason Dixon line...the poll which was correct in 22 of the 23 polls in 2002 shows BUSH likely to win by a wide margin in Electoral College, taking MIN amongst others...


Bush wins popular vote 51.5 to 47.17 to 1.3 elsewhere...
Bush wins Electoral vote 276-262, taking Nevada, NM, Iowa, Wis, Col and Florida while Kerry takes Pa, OH, NH, MI, MN.
If BUSH is lucky enough to pick up OHIO the final would around 296 to 242.

it would remain possible for BUSH to win in a landslide of over 300 electoral votes if Pa is in hte mix too.

WHY do you ask, do I come up with these numbers. Kerry has told me as has Terry McAuffle based upon their actions.

Internals had told them to register as many as than can in battlegrounds states as opposed to winning the likely voters. That tells me they have been worried about the race, more than they should have in traditional areas. As a result I suspect Wed might not be as contentious as I had previously thought.

In any event, let us all hope for a landslide either way, to maintain the long tradition, excluding GORE 2000, of smooth transition of power in the US. If not look for the market to tank on the 3 thru the rest of November, losing more than 150 points over the rest of the year.


Martinez wins, while Thune losses again by razor thin margin. DeMint wins a strong GOP state, but by a tight margin due to his over the top campaign. All in all, teh GOP increases the lead in the Senate to 54 to 45 to 1....(maybe 53/46/1)

In the HOUSE....
The GOP make great gains in numbers but lose by doing so, some political hay. Beating some moderate DEMS gives the GOP a margin in JAN of 231 to 203 to 1 IND. This gives strong edge to the GOP in governance and will only embolden the DEMS left in the Congress.

stonewalling beyond your imagination in JUDICIAL appointments and even more feirce fighting over the next 2 to 3 Supreme Court nominations...Rehnquist is already MIA due to Cancer treatment and Ginsburg is not far too Stevens and O'Connor.

The agenda for the GOP should include SS reform adn focus on this and permenant TAX CUTS along with INTERNATIONAL POLICY of TERRORISM as a mainstay of a threat.