Gee 10 days until Christmas...i'll see you at the mall because I was too late ordering online this year...too much blogging, i guess.
+ If you were only watching baseball over the last decade, how could you not have believed, known and guessed that McGuire, Bonds, Sosa and others were using juice, growth hormones and cork. Sure, MM never used steriods...look at him! Sure Sammy never used that cork bat in games...sure Bonds never used steriods. Yet they still expect us to watch after this and a the 94 way!
+ The media hattred for NOTRE DAME is almost as strong as the bias against the GOP. They have claimed and cried racism, or trying to avoid the word, they have implied it. They have claimed ND is NOW like everyone else, nothing but a Football Factory...this because they decided that 10 years of not competing for the crown jewel of college football is not worth making a change over
+ This media bias that claims racism (also from the Black Coaches Association) is not only pure bias, it ignores the facts. Bias does exist in College Football, however it is the others like Michigan, USC and FSU that exploit Blacks. They bring them to the school only to play football, not to educate them. WHile at ND, the graduation rate for Black Football players is the same as white--76%. The Fact that ND would not have hired a black coach if it even had the slightest hint of racism, is totally ignored by the biased press...including SI, USATODAY and ESPN.
+ Notre Dame still stands for the STUDENT/ATHLETE while others get the pass. Many schools still offer classes that are jock classes, Notre Dame does not...yet this goes woefully underreported.
+ Iraq is now the home of Terrorist playgrounds...those visiting from Syria, North Africa and Iran. They have come to IRAQ to try to disrupt the move to democracy. TELL ME WE ARE NOT WINNING. Those who hate BUSH, Hate America surely understand that fighting the Terrorists on this field in IRAQ is far better than doing so here on our streets, but they want to ignore the facts and the reality. They want to ignore the fact that our soldiers are the BEST tool to use against them, the terrorists
+ More than 1000 US soldiers have lost their lives in a noble cause...ignore the naysayers and the left, who chime all the time for those less fortunate, but ignored the plight of IRAQIS under SADDAM. Our soldiers are conquering HEROES, LIBERATING HEROES to a people who suffered too long. Despite the claims by those on the left who will try to argue...they have a list that is like a check list.
first, we should have finish Afghanistan (bogus)
Second, IRAQ was not a threat, nor Immenent (it was gathering)
then, We rushed to war
then, it is unjust
then, We went too fast to Baghdad
then, We did not properly equip our troops
then, We did not do it properly
then, We did not listen to our commanders
then, We did not build a coalition
then, We did not build a proper coalition
then, We did not use the UN properly
then, We did not secure the peace properly
then, we did not train the troops properly
then, We did not manage the transition well enough
So, I will deal with each criticism, but it should not go unnoticed that this is just a sliding scale of anti-BUSH and anti-American banter...not consistent and too easily challenged, not to mention bogus.
first, the Taliban and AQ have been largely ineffective since the fall/winter of 2001
we succeeded in AFG and we have them on the run.
Second, IRAQ was a true supplier/facilitator and benefactor to international terrorims, as the OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM shows. SH harbored too many terrorists to count. IT was a gathering threat that needed to addresses immediately.
next, it took more than a year to go through the processes of the INT community and the UN as well as the US CONGRESS before we invaded IRAQ...if that is rushing we need new definitions.
NEXT...helping those oppressed and defeating sponsors of terrorism is both JUST and necessary can not win a war too prevents deaths!
NEXT...we increaseed funding of our Military as rapidly as we could, if we did not have the proper equipment, it is because it was under funded and prepared because of Clinton. is all too easyto armchair QB the war that was the fastest on record.
NEXT...our commanders claim they were listened too, those in the chain
NEXT...we built a coalition of the willing, those not willing were being bribed by SH and the OIL FOR FOOD...that is clear
NEXT...did I mention it was the UN OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM, the UN bailed as quickly out of IRAQ as they could...cowards!!! and CROOKS!!!
NEXT...we certainly made mistakes along the way, but considering the circumstance it should be understandable...though not to the left
NEXT...we have the best army/navy/air force and marines in teh is not a problem
NEXT....I agree we should have immediately had elections, but we did not, yet we will. IRAQ has a long struggle ahead of it...the US will be there the entire way to help them through the process
IRAQ was a great, noble undertaking which HISTORY will show as one of PRES. BUSH's greated acheivements, as will muslims in time to come.