Tuesday, December 28, 2004


The UN does it again.
Where was/is the UN for Iraqis
Where was/is the UN for those being killed in Dufar?
Where was/is the UN for the Rwandians?
Where was/is the UN for the Somolians?
Where was/is the UN for the Chechnians?
Where was/is the UN for the Haitians?
Where was/is the UN for the Nicaraguans?
Where was/is the UN for the Kosovo Muslim pop?

And where is the UN for Indonesia, Somolia, Sri Lanka, India, Bangledesh, Maylasians and all the others hit so hard this week?
The UN continues to become a laughing stock of the world.
They continue to slide into irrelevence.

The gall of the UN undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland not only has called the most generous nation and people of the world "stingy", but also cares to lecture the US President and all Americans as to how much TAX should be paid by those Americans.
If any liberal had any doudt (b/c no conservative doudted it before) as to how much the UN wants socialism, they only need to listen to this man. The UN wants World Government and control of all resources...here inlies the struggle with the UN vis-a-vis the US and sovereignty.
Here are his remarks...
U.N. Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland suggested that the United States and other Western nations were being "stingy" with relief funds, saying there would be more available if taxes were raised. "It is beyond me why are we so stingy, really," the Norwegian-born U.N. official told reporters. "Christmastime should remind many Western countries at least, [of] how rich we have become."
"There are several donors who are less generous than before in a growing world economy," he said, adding that politicians in the United States and Europe "believe that they are really burdening the taxpayers too much, and the taxpayers want to give less. It's not true. They want to give more."

The American people are free to donate all they wish to true relief funds, but giving it to the UN is the stupidest thing any of us can do. You can see for yourself how successful the UN "oil for food" program worked, administered by the UN.

If anyone doudted the real motives of the UN, they cannot and should not now. It is clear all they want is a One World Government and control of the purse.

Kick out the UN...PLEASE!!! For the sake of all Americans

Kosovo revisited

Well a President did lie or mislead the American people, but that was Clinton not President Bush.
Sometime good deeds go unpunished. A strong case can be made that the US did the right thing in Kosovo, irrespective of the facts that proved the early claims eroneous. It is hard to make the claim the action was worthless, because it did save lives, so on its whole it was helpful, but was it worthy of our effort, I will let you decide, but...
In 1999, Clinton and the culpable American mainstream media made claims of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo by Serbs(Christians) against ethnic Albanians (Muslims). So, along with reports by the Administration and Human Rights groups championing the plight of the Albanians and built on claims of ethnic cleansing the US stepped up.

While Europe did nothing, they pressured Clinton to intervene.

Without Congressional approval.
Without United Nations approval.
Without any existing threat to the United States.
Without out any outcry from anti war groups.
Without any anti-US demonstrations.
Without any evidence to support claims...
the US bombed Serbs on behalf of Muslims in an attempt to defeat the Serbs. Yet, recently a newly placed Prime Minister of this Kosovo province has been indicted on 108 counts of abuse, including rape, torture and mass killings. The UN has had him testify on an invstigation they are conducting on the same matter as the indictments handed down in Serbia.
In fact, it is reported that the KLA's head of elite forces, Muhammed al-Zawahiri, was the brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the military commander for bin Laden's Al Qaeda. This unit was transformed into the the Kosovo Security Force, or police.

The legacy is that no "Clear and Present Danger" existed, no weapons of Mass Destrcution were present. However, the US and NATO conducted an operation in Kosovo which had NO strategic import the the US.
In doing so, the Clinton Administration has helped create the first Muslim Country in Europe...was that really the need or purpose?

Human Rights groups have since found no evidence of mass ethnic cleansing. The totals these groups have found shows deaths of about 10 to 20 thousand not the 100 to 300K the Clinton Administration told us.

So, a President did lie to the American People, but it was not BUSH rather it was Clinton. Succesfully, Clinton used airial Bombing to accomplish his goal of high power but low casualty.
OR...was it an inteligence failure? Why was our information so poor on the numbers beign killed, did we rely upon groups who had motives to lie? Did we do any due diligence in our effort to vet the situation on the ground? Why did the media not ever aske these questions?
Could we have demonstrated a need in 1999 and 2000 of prolbems in our INTEL and gather apperatus to merit change prior to 9/11? Unlikely, but we will never know because the media did not behave the same under Clinton as they did under BUSH, nor did the Human Rights groups, the Anti-US groups, the Anti-War groups, nor the Europeans and the UN.

Yet, no mass demonstrations by the lefties, no mass demonstrations by the anti-war crowd, no mass anti-US demonstrations, no media uproar, no media questions as to whether it was a JUST action...gee, I wonder why?

All it all Clinton backed the efforts of Muslims in Europe over the Christain population, to what end, who knows. Yes, lives were saved, but lives were lost in the process and just this year, Christains were the target of Muslim aggression. As were Christain churches which were burned, so what did we accomplish? Giving rise to an anti Christian base in Kosovo?
What we do know is it was not or should not have been a US prolbem. Because, to act in Europe and not in Africa creates the appearance of bias and racism. If the US along with the NATO nations will step in in Kosovo, why not Africa?
IS THIS NOT THE TERRITORY OF THE UNITED NATIONS, is this not why we created this body? Again they prove irrelevent in real terms.
It should not have been our action, nor should we have made it one. Nevertheless, more importantly, it was never authorized by our Congress nor the world community...but, Clinton received NO flack. It is the quinessential double Standard.

Monday, December 27, 2004

FREEDOM RINGS...around the world!!!

Thank you MR. President!
Thank you for pushing the cause of democracy and freedom around the world. Afghanistan, Iraq and the Ukraine are nations finding Democracy as a new way of life. Nearly 100 million people have tasted the sweetness that is...Freedom and Democracy.

Elections in Afghanistan that nary got noticed in American media, establishe a most historic event, equal or more historic than Mandella in South Africa, if not as interesting for the media elite.

Iraq, biblical history aside, is about to experience something it had difficulty even believing a decade ago...free elections. Any question about the interest of and from the IRAQI people should be put to rest. The fact that lines of tens, twenty's and hundreds of people keep forming at police stations should dispell any doudt that these people want self determination as thier form of government. The fact that the insurgents focus mainly upon the police and government opperations, should illuminate that point...they want freedom.

Years from now, 2004 may be remembered most for it's movement of millions of people to DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM...not a bad legacy to have in your hip pocket as an important leader in that movement for President BUSH

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

FLEW the coop...Darwinism and Atheism misses the facts.

Anthony Flew the leading philosopher for the Atheist movement has flew the coop of Darwinism. As the evidence has mounted against Darwinism, at least one Scientist (Flew), has followed the evidence where it leads...now supporting the theory of Inteligent Design.
Socrates scribed that we, and more importantly Scientists, must follow the evidence no matter where it leads. Prof. Flew has done just that in recent years. He has left Darwinism and Evolution as a theory and arrived at INTELIGENT DESIGN, if not the divine act of a creator.
Stopping short of endorsing a creator or GOD, Flew and many other Scientists, in particular at the Discovery Institute, have come to follow the evidence which leads them to believe that INTELIGENCE is behind our creation, not evolution.
Since we have come to understand the DNA in a more sophisticated manner, he and others have now come to the Theory that something other than evolution has had an impact on humans, and for that matter, life of all kinds. It is no accident of nature, he no longer claims himself to be the titular leader of ATHEISM.

Yet, despite the fact that the leading intellectuals have abandoned the ATHEIST cause of evolution and Darwinism, the media is and has been late to the table. Ignoring in as much as they can the level by which thoughtful Scientists have no come to reject EVOLUTION as a Theory in favor of INTELIGENT DESIGN, if not a creator (GOD).
Admittedly, they have gone to great leanths to avoid bring religion into the mix, they have been unabashed about the fact that some INTELIGENT force is at hand, not accidental or unplanned.

The utter complexity of life has been the toppling influence to this historic change that has come and sped past without much attention from the press. Our continuing greater understanding of DNA, genomes, and genes has been the portal from which change has occured in the Scientific community. As Socrates stated, we must follow knowledge( evidence) whereever it takes us, and that is what is happening.

FLew has flown the coop on ATHEISM and Darwin. We are not just glorified apes, we are not just accidents, we are not just happenschance, we are designed.

This has been a most amazing Christmas, even if the press does not notice. This should not come as a surprise, they ignore freedom in Afghanistan and historic elections, they miss, ignore and avoid the successes in Iraq and the freeing of 30 million people--understandably they do not agree with the War so why would they report fairly on it, so to goes for DARWINISM and EVOLUTION. The media believes themselves to be smarter than you and I, and they believe is DARWINISM and EVOLUTION theory, so evidence to the contrary is not "all the news that is fit to print", it doesn't fit their view

Merry Christmas, has special meaning this year, even some former ATHEISTS are whispering it...though you may hear it as INTELIGENT DESIGN, for now!

Monday, December 20, 2004

What is the difference between Yasar Arafat and Ronald Wilson Reagan?

Maybe the most poignant difference reflects more upon the UN than these two individuals.
The UN actually flew it's flag at half mast for Yasar Arafat. The only man to address the UN with a holstered pistol, was granted a respectful offering while RWR did not.
In fact, on 6/7/2004 the UN only offered a moment of silence and on the day of the 40th Presidents funeral they indeed hoisted the flag to it's full hieght. Additionally, they continued with scheduled parties celebrating UN employees, not even rescheduling them.
So, it goes that Arafat and known and self admitted terrorist. A man who claimed as one of his life acheivments was to orginate airplane hi-jacking was given a greater more respectful farwell than our 40th President.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was not only the great President many of us remember, but he was instrumental in freeing more humans than any other human. His policies led to the destruction of the slave state of the Soviet Union and their satelites.

The UN is a terrorist organization who cares little for people but a great deal about power! They allow for genocide and ignore a truly great statesman...until we withdrawl from the UN, we are wasting our time

Truth or fiction on RWANDA...new MOVIE

A new movie is due out on the genocide that took place in RWANDA in 1994. If it is worth seeing, it will include enough blame to go around for the UN, the US, Frnace and Belgium.
On April 6th 1994, a plane carrying two Presidents was shot out of the sky, by 6 pm the next day a genocide had begun. In the next 99 days, 800,000 Rwandans died while the UN Peace Keeping Mission led by Kofi Annan did nothing, while President Clinton had his embassador to the UN Madelyn Albright lobby not to have it called a 'genocide" (preventing trigger mechinisms going into affect that mandates UN force), while France ignored warnings and planning of the rebel forces.
President Clinton had Anthony Lake and Madelyn Albright and their minions draft what came to be Presidential Draft Directive 25---Limiting US participation in Peace Keeping missions. CLinton and Albright lobbyed other nations to NOT consider the Rwandan issue genocide...allowing more than 800,000 people to die.

To his credit, Anthony Lake (Clinton National Security Advisor in 1994) has been vocally critical of both his office and the Administration for playing politics while women and children died, no were slaughtered....all on the heals of Somolia...Cliton's first foreign policy misstep.

So,...Clinton is revered as the first black President...scarry huh!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

OUTRAGEOUS...and they wonder why they lost

It is Christmas time again and you know what that means...
YES, it is LARAT or Liberals attacking religion again time.

Libs have again began the their long tradition of attacking all things Christian. Yes, Santa Claus, Christmas, Nativity Scenes and Christmas in AMERICA.

All over the country, LIBS are trying to get Christmas out of Schools, City Hall and now even Retialers. Yes, Christmas carols being kicked out of Christmas Pagents due to their religious theme, references to Christ being forbidden at Schools, and now Federated Stores (MACY's)not allowing Christmas acknowledged at their stores.
Yes, the stores that make millions on the rest of us celebrating the BIRTH of CHRIST has now decided it no longer will acknowledge CHRIST and CHRISTMAS...YES, the store of "MIRACLE ON 34th STREET" fame is now dissing it's most famous advertizing every year.

How can a vocal 1-2% of the population scare these pantywaistes to neglect CHRISTMAS is amazing, but one thing is for sure, i will never shop at a FEDERATED store again, nor TARGET who has kicked out our annual bell ringers.

As I shop this year, you'll find me singing my relgious songs and spending my money at stores who still understand that this holiday is about CHRIST!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Gee 10 days until Christmas...i'll see you at the mall because I was too late ordering online this year...too much blogging, i guess.

+ If you were only watching baseball over the last decade, how could you not have believed, known and guessed that McGuire, Bonds, Sosa and others were using juice, growth hormones and cork. Sure, MM never used steriods...look at him! Sure Sammy never used that cork bat in games...sure Bonds never used steriods. Yet they still expect us to watch after this and a the 94 strike...no way!

+ The media hattred for NOTRE DAME is almost as strong as the bias against the GOP. They have claimed and cried racism, or trying to avoid the word, they have implied it. They have claimed ND is NOW like everyone else, nothing but a Football Factory...this because they decided that 10 years of not competing for the crown jewel of college football is not worth making a change over

+ This media bias that claims racism (also from the Black Coaches Association) is not only pure bias, it ignores the facts. Bias does exist in College Football, however it is the others like Michigan, USC and FSU that exploit Blacks. They bring them to the school only to play football, not to educate them. WHile at ND, the graduation rate for Black Football players is the same as white--76%. The Fact that ND would not have hired a black coach if it even had the slightest hint of racism, is totally ignored by the biased press...including SI, USATODAY and ESPN.

+ Notre Dame still stands for the STUDENT/ATHLETE while others get the pass. Many schools still offer classes that are jock classes, Notre Dame does not...yet this goes woefully underreported.

+ Iraq is now the home of Terrorist playgrounds...those visiting from Syria, North Africa and Iran. They have come to IRAQ to try to disrupt the move to democracy. TELL ME WE ARE NOT WINNING. Those who hate BUSH, Hate America surely understand that fighting the Terrorists on this field in IRAQ is far better than doing so here on our streets, but they want to ignore the facts and the reality. They want to ignore the fact that our soldiers are the BEST tool to use against them, the terrorists

+ More than 1000 US soldiers have lost their lives in a noble cause...ignore the naysayers and the left, who chime all the time for those less fortunate, but ignored the plight of IRAQIS under SADDAM. Our soldiers are conquering HEROES, LIBERATING HEROES to a people who suffered too long. Despite the claims by those on the left who will try to argue...they have a list that is like a check list.
first, we should have finish Afghanistan (bogus)
Second, IRAQ was not a threat, nor Immenent (it was gathering)
then, We rushed to war
then, it is unjust
then, We went too fast to Baghdad
then, We did not properly equip our troops
then, We did not do it properly
then, We did not listen to our commanders
then, We did not build a coalition
then, We did not build a proper coalition
then, We did not use the UN properly
then, We did not secure the peace properly
then, we did not train the troops properly
then, We did not manage the transition well enough
So, I will deal with each criticism, but it should not go unnoticed that this is just a sliding scale of anti-BUSH and anti-American banter...not consistent and too easily challenged, not to mention bogus.

first, the Taliban and AQ have been largely ineffective since the fall/winter of 2001
we succeeded in AFG and we have them on the run.
Second, IRAQ was a true supplier/facilitator and benefactor to international terrorims, as the OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM shows. SH harbored too many terrorists to count. IT was a gathering threat that needed to addresses immediately.
next, it took more than a year to go through the processes of the INT community and the UN as well as the US CONGRESS before we invaded IRAQ...if that is rushing we need new definitions.
NEXT...helping those oppressed and defeating sponsors of terrorism is both JUST and necessary
NEXT...you can not win a war too fast...it prevents deaths!
NEXT...we increaseed funding of our Military as rapidly as we could, if we did not have the proper equipment, it is because it was under funded and prepared because of Clinton.
NEXT...it is all too easyto armchair QB the war that was the fastest on record.
NEXT...our commanders claim they were listened too, those in the chain
NEXT...we built a coalition of the willing, those not willing were being bribed by SH and the OIL FOR FOOD...that is clear
NEXT...did I mention it was the UN OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM, the UN bailed as quickly out of IRAQ as they could...cowards!!! and CROOKS!!!
NEXT...we certainly made mistakes along the way, but considering the circumstance it should be understandable...though not to the left
NEXT...we have the best army/navy/air force and marines in teh world...training is not a problem
NEXT....I agree we should have immediately had elections, but we did not, yet we will. IRAQ has a long struggle ahead of it...the US will be there the entire way to help them through the process

IRAQ was a great, noble undertaking which HISTORY will show as one of PRES. BUSH's greated acheivements, as will muslims in time to come.

Thursday, December 09, 2004


I have some points to make...

+ Social Security reform is desperately needed. Why do I know this? No, it is not the CBO or the SSA reports that tell me this (though they both do), rather it is the fact that Paul Krugman (the little minded man from the NYTIMES) does a flip flop and now claims it is not needed (though he previously claimed we needed reform and likely partial privatization).

+ Notre Dame has been assualted by ESPN and the Black Coaches Assocication for firing Ty Willingham (a very good person) who helped continue the fall of ND from FOOTBALL's A list. Despite the facts that show the most embarrasing losses in ND history they hang to the import of a 5 year contract rather than preformance...or is it his race?

+ ESPN and the BCA have argued with many echos in other media outlets that race was a reason, they again ignore the fact that the same BOARD OF TRUSTEES, University President and Athletic Director that hired him, fired him...seems like if racism was in play they would not have hired him in the first place...thier I go again and use logic...my father told me never confuse a fool with logic!

+Kofi Annan and his son Kojo should be asking cellmate Jauque Chirac to pass the soap...they should not be leading a body like the UN, hiding in Nigeria or running a alsoran country

+I can not help but feel sorry for those libs, meida types and pundits who are so upset about BUSH nominees to Cabnet posts being too buddy buddy or in step with the PRESIDENT. THEY can not continue to call the night day and the day night and believe people will take them seriously.

+ First the media types, pundits and talking heads were all in a tizzy that BUSH and two responsible congressmen were holding up INTEL REFORM, but now that it passes, they flip flop to why the rush...it does not matter what happens as long as they can blame BUSH...at least they are predictable.

+Auburn does not deserve to be in the Championship game, they maybe the best team but they do not belong in the game for they played, at their choosing a D2 school!



+SUPER BOWL PREDICTION....New England vs. Philadelphia

+Coach of the YEAR NFL...Marty Schottenhiemer

+Film of the YEAR...Passion of the Christ...oh wait it is not in hte running, thanks HOLLYWOOD for showing your anti-religious bias

Thursday, December 02, 2004

truly RANDOM THOUGHTS today...

today I am a stream of _______...you add the word based upon your opinion.

+The US did make a mistake not pushing elections sooner in IRAQ. The State Department run by Powell pushed for occupation and not immediate elections, going back to his statement to the President, "you break it, you buy it"...if we had pushed for immediate elections we would have taken much of the wind out of the insurgent sails. Yes, it could of allowed or fostered a greater likelihood to civil war, but it is a chance we should have taken. Elections will come in January and the issues will resolve more rapidly.

+Notre Dame did the right thing firing Willingham when they did. No racism was present, no administration or fan base would support a coach then turn on him b/c he was black, but they would for not winning. In Fact, it was the 8 losses by 21 or more and 5 by 31 or more that cost him his job.

+Willingham is a class act, and deserves the best! Urban Meyer is a vibrant, creative young coach...who is inovative and bright.

+Meyer, Gruden and Ferenz all have ND ties to some degree or another. They all would be good coaches for ND...but Meyer is the best choice following a long tradition of ND of picking a coach who succeeded at a smaller less football friendly school...see ARA, Leahy etc.

+In case you did not know, CHINA is exempted from KYOTO... so tell me again WHY we should embrace it? KYOTO is an effort to knock down the US dominate economy using environmentalism as a pretex...socialist/communist effort to reduce US influence economically.

+The EU is engaging in a CLINTONesque effort to curtail IRAN in the same failed nature Clinton used with North Korea. Nations like NK and I will not go quietly into the night, they will only make deals of overt intentions when they have covert facilites equally ready to produce what they need...i will bet you on it!

+The UN and ANNAN will not be togther long...or should not be. The UN is as BUSH predicted an irrelevent institution, and sliding more so each day. 21 billion in illegally diverted funds is just the begginning of the mess....i will bet you on it!

+Shocking NEWS...Steroids use in Baseball, next thing they will tell us is that Barry BONDS used them too...or that Officials are payed off sometimes...no

+Join me in avoiding MACY's, BURDINES and all the other FEDERATED stores for thier arrogance to accept our CHRISTMAS gift buying but not acknowledging CHRISTMAS. Yes, the store of MIRACLE ON 34th STREET is preforming quit a miracle...dissing X-MASS!!

+The Left in the US champions values such as getting the BOY SCOUTS out of our schools, Christmas out of our Stores, The Nativity scenes off our Parks and Pubic lands, Military Recruitment off our campus', but Condoms in our schools, Abortion on demand and teachers unions that care more about control then teaching...this IS NOT progress!

+The sports media pundits along with the Black Coaches Association have their heads up their rumps on the TY WILLINGHAM firing. So it wasn't racism (at ND) that gave him the job but it was racism at ND that fired him in three years. It had nothing to do with record loss margins, poor player development, never winning agaisnt rivals BC and USC. THESE pundits and BCA members put too much pressure on the minority coaching situation, by creating an environment NOT to hire the minority coaches for exactly the reason that you will get a rash a crap if you fire them.